Nutella Recipes & Ideas

nutella coated cookie? thats kids stuff man, I see ur freak cookie and raise you to a double boiled hershey flavored bak kut teh!
haha! this gets intersting!

anyone for a choc lava cake? my version!

a nice little choc pound cake, with it's insides taken out, the potent mixture? a combination of melted nutella, hershey choc syrup and royce milk choc stuffed into a warm pound cake, with ben and jerry's fish food ice cream on the side to boot.

cometh the hour, rise shreddy and the choco factory!

here's some picture to get your mind going
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WHAT is that man?? i see chai sim, some rendang-looking thing, and pork ribs. i thought we talking about nutella?? i hope there's no nutella in the rendang-looking thing man.

anyway, back to the topic! i like my nutella on toast with butter on the surface. the nutella goes ontop of the butter. delish!
oh and when i was a kid. i'd put cheese twisties in a bowl, dump some nutella on the top and pop it in the microwave for a minute for the nutella to melt a little. came out burnt and tasted like sh*t but in my glib-ness over my self-proclaimed culinary genius of a recipe i'd say it tasted like heaven..
i wan't a very bright kid.
you got one ??

Must be scarred with 3rd degree burns!!:???:

PWNMASTER!!! Haha that was exactly what came across my mind the moment I read his post. If he poured straight after he melted the nutella, he must be a cannibal. DAMN!

Well, I like to spread it on bread and melt it in the oven. The liquidy Nutella is orgasmatron coupled with the crispy bread.
Nutella + One expresso shot
= Gloriously Instant high + Enough energy to keep you going for at least 1.5 days

And it's really yummy. :}}}
Not recommended for non-coffee drinkers -- will result in instant headache :P