Nutella Recipes & Ideas

haha! this gets intersting!

anyone for a choc lava cake? my version!

a nice little choc pound cake, with it's insides taken out, the potent mixture? a combination of melted nutella, hershey choc syrup and royce milk choc stuffed into a warm pound cake, with ben and jerry's fish food ice cream on the side to boot.

cometh the hour, rise shreddy and the choco factory!

here's some picture to get your mind going

Everyone missed this? It's freakin' messing with my mind!

Sage: Word. Nutella Espresso is killah.
^Damn! That's a great idea, should try that real soon. But I still prefer putting the bread and nutella in the oven. And eating it when it's warm, gosh, I scorched my tongue a few times cause of the liquid nutella. Simple, but awesome.

Cream crackers do the same trick, but you will be eating 3 times the amount.