Nov 9, 2006 - Yngwie Malmsteen in Singapore

Grinder said:
crap venue, crap sound, mediocre performance. overpriced beer.

my mind didn't blow up, he's not my new god, and he sure as hell didn't teach god how to play guitar. my man ritchie did.

he is fat though.

forgettable shite.

you realise thats only ur 2nd post and it is already so way rude?
En_Lee said:
Pic 6:

I really love this pic!! His electric guitar looks like a tail! Sooo cute~ *^^*
lol i always do that with my guitar... but its always nearer to the floor when i do it...

dunno if its because i strap my guitar too low, or yngwie is f'in tallll
SHRED OVERDOSE MAN! hey grey i was at soundcheck too! He did purple haze at soundcheck man. Sounded SOOO GOOD. Dang i was hoping he did purple haze. Anyway i loved rising force and viking. Sound was bad the speakers kept cracking. Then one time when he the the guitar overhead the tech ddint catch it!

Damn funny he gave the tech that "im-going-to-fire-you" stare haha.

I loved the asswipe with the guitar too. Super funny. Such showmanship! \m/ enjoyed myself fully though i wished the osund could be better. oh btw i got a pick :0
Could the cracking sound due to moisture in the cables?

As we know, Yngwie is a perfectionist......that's why he's so pissed off - skipping the meet-and-greet...
Didn't go to the show myself but sounded like was quite a cockup soundwise? Heh, the av company providing the cables/stuff like that now sure tio. Cables on the floor letting ppl step????? A sound engineers worst nightmare, cracking speakers.

But for those who didn't mind much as long as you guys managed to catch a guitar legend here in Singapore, I bet you guys enjoyed it yea? :supz: :prayer:
his fenders come by the thousands la... most probably get 1 fender a mth free... haha i saw his guitar hit the floor and bounce... then he always lift his guitar high high up, like gonna smash it liddat... too bad he didn't... probably to pissed to waste a guitar like that...

and wah, he snapped dunno how many strings with his bare fingers sia... O_o although he uses 08s but still... v hard to do with new strings!
FITCH said:

(Britney's) - Oooopss....he did it again.....hit us one more time... :lol:

wahts up? lol i dont get you

imsuchajoker said:
OMG he skipped the meet and greet? Alamak


sigh sigh still very sad! i heard that he ran away halfway the last time he came too.
Aahhh.. finally hit a cafe so I can type some of my thoughts on the show. Barring the end where some flaring up happened, and also the crackling noise throughout the show where I thought the amps were gonna explode, the show was great!! And is it me, or did Dougie's mic sound like he was speaking through an old fashioned am/fm radio? :lol: It was great to finally see Yngwie live, and more importantly to me, to catch Derek Sherinian. Derek doesn't need this band, he's a solo artist in his own right - and was glad that I got him to sign my Black Utopia CD. I do believe he's more or less helping out Yngwie - judging from him leaving on his own accord (with a chick mind you) and hailing a taxi :)

I didn't hold out much hope to meet Yngwie, and for those who did, feel bad for you guys that it didn't work out.

I managed to take a few photos and will post em up once I get back to KL. Next return to Singapore will be for Eric Clapton Jan 13, 2007!! :D Take care mates.

draven0707 said:

errr... no offence, a huge frog w 2 eyes... which frog you know has any number of eyes other than 2??

Ah, don't worry about it. It was some cartoonish-type of frog that came to mind. I'm just crazy. ^^'

MadWereWolfBoy said:
lol i always do that with my guitar... but its always nearer to the floor when i do it...

dunno if its because i strap my guitar too low, or yngwie is f'in tallll

I think it is bcos Yngwie is so tall!! :heart:

I was like "omg..." when I saw him for the very first time live, and was much slimmer than before~ No matter, we still love him~ *\m/*

+ + +

All I know was that the huge speakers were like blasting non-stop in front of me, so I could hardly hear anything ears are still "whining" and blocked...hope my ears quickly recover~! ><;;;
I'm glad I'm not the only one who tot the sound crew Fugged up :)

Yeah it is a hard job , but the techs (espeically the gtr guys) got to do better thatn what they did last night. Can't even tune a gtr correctly and poor YJM had to tune as he went along....playing at gig level, it is almost impossible to tune.

I'll understand if he just threw the gtr into the marshall stack and went off. But hats off to YJM for being the pro that he is and kept entertaining us. I'guessed in th old days he would have stopped the show and fug the techs in public.

Forget aboiut the the poor grounding, the 'untuned' axes....and forgetting to turn off the axe at backstage --while YJM was fretting away on the was an enjoyable night (could be much better) but I think considering the choices of acts that are willing to come to our little red dot, can;'t complaint already.

If for nothing else, it is a lesson to all the Bands out there - to maintain the ennergy level and keep the show matter what.

Hats off to YJM - you THE man!

Hey just want to find out about this. May I know what is the current status of Yngwie and his band? I mean are they still in Singapore or left here a long time ago? Will you people go to the airport to bid them farewell or something? Or has this been already done?? I want to bid them farewell too... >_____<;;; he was actually so pissed with the whole damn thing, but controlled himself throughout and still performed to feed to the hungry power...respect respect... I should learn a thing or 2 from him... ^^

penta-tonic said:
haha. u sound u have a crush on the man en_lee.

Heh? Is it? I didn't even realise it, I just don't know. But anyway, who wouldn't? It is not only the guitars he is excellent with. ^___~**
Anirudh said:
FITCH said:

(Britney's) - Oooopss....he did it again.....hit us one more time... :lol:

wahts up? lol i dont get you

Quoted "but what happend after the show that pissed them off and made them skip the meet and greet session? i heard some screaming backstage and off the went in the van"

So....i was singing to Britney's baby one more time because he did the same thing in 2002. There was like 5 more guys infront of me at the meet and greet - and he took off! :roll:
lifele55 said:
But looking at those stacked marshalls..... just .. :smt118

Exactly, just like those pics from his official website and his "Unleash the Fury" album. =)

When I first saw the stage, I was like "oh god, you gotta love this!! Look at the Marshalls!! Look at the Marshalls!!" ^_____^**
If what happened is true... fug those who did a half-assed job, making the the concert goes somewhat awry.

Regardless, however, I still enjoyed myself a lot. Even got myself a t-shirt and pick for $35!

Sheesh, I want a "Yngwie Who?" shirt. :)
I duno if it's just me, or that the band played wrongly during their first song 'Rising Force'?

It was like one beat off or something, during their 1st 2 verses?

Anyway, besides the crackling hiss from speakers, I noticed the mix was bad too. Guitars and vox were too loud, u can notice the difference w/o guitars when keyboardist (and bassist) were doing the solo.

The whole thing was soo loud, I wondered how you guys in front heard anything. I had a hard time when I moved to the back too, even with earplugs on.

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