hey guys!

It was great! The stage was great! the crowd was even better!

we hoped those of you who came down liked our set, unfortunately we did not get as much time as we would have liked

We would love to thank a few people for making it great: Saito (who grumble just now that we didt say thanks)... hey thanks for landing us this gig man. great stuff... rmb gimme the logo soon ar. Amaka who took some shots of us... do contact us or saito when itz ready yeah? and to YOU who made it there at 3pm to watch us play, thanks alot!

do keep looking at our myspace and webbie for upcoming shows ok?

Take care everyone!
HAHA, I was alone in the end.

My friend all dont wana go. SAD AH!


I saw dong , I saw Levan , I saw Visa , I saw Sabrina , I saw Wayne Thunder , I saw the Idols ,

But I WAS ALONE! argh!!


But it was a great show. I like John Molina Krueger Set.. The band is so damn Tight ! although they play covers! great set.

And yes , FlyBar is totally Kawaii! and handsome band! haha Nice Set too!

Not forgetting GSE ! Nice man! love the band Loads!

The Host/emcee Rocks with the Quebec jacket and keep on saying the sponsors name. HAHA.

And the hot chicks promoting Carlsberg! hottttt! Beers going at 2 bucks. HAHA. I think VIP area Its free..

oh yes.. RIVERMAYA ROCKS THE SET MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats all folks.

Next time got gig I must go with at least a fren!.. not going alone anymore. damn sian...

Dong: Thanks dude, we're glad you liked it. whens your next show?

biopromax: "And yes , FlyBar is totally Kawaii!" <-- this is gonna leave quite a few of us distraught.

yar and the emcee keep saying NEEEEBOOOOOOOOH... and you want rivermaya? NEEBOOOOH.. which you'd find out in june etc...

We're happy that you enjoyed yourself too!
and here are some of the pics of rivermaya...








other bands, pls stay tuned...

Thank you Mark!
the gig concert was aweeeeeeeeeeeeesomeeeeeeeeeeee!

did anyone see me? lol.

all the supporting bands were great. esp GSE.

but of course, Rivermaya was the awesomestttt. i was at the VIP area. (And no, biopromax, beer wasn't free.) so yeah... nearing the end of the show, Blanco stood on the chair right in front of me and my sister managed to tak a video of it. ahhhhhhhhhhh view was good man.

okay, i shall stop now. 987 stripped today!
Rivermaya was awesome! Production was good... initial had some reservations during sound check but turned out alright. That dodgy marshall on the right side of the stage ended up 'kicking in'

I was sooooo full of free beer. And there was dancing shirtless with molina and Twohill

didnt get to see who biopromax was

was too toasted when I met lerping and visa post-show (what... like 16 beers by that time?)

but some good news, met quite a few potential sponsors while networking at the show and Rivermaya manager was impressed with Flybar :)

Kudos to Quebec and Western Union

Dont give clement (MC) shit, he's a nice guy. Found out later that he had to slice one song off 2 bands sets due to scheduling demands

Alls well ends well


See you guys on tues for muso night
Eh, Nice Pix from Amaka! :) Drummer pic is cool. Our stakeout paid off. Haha.

I only went in during Great Spy's set as I didn't get my pass earlier. My apologies to the earlier bands. Really wanted to cheer you guys on. Next time sure got more chance!

Bro Saito Bro, I think you dropped some beer on the floor too right. Haha. Aiya, next time I'll say Hello again. We've only met once during MUSE and it was dark. Haha.

It wasn't that much of a rush. In the end, all was good although I felt that at certain points the guitars and vocals were a lil soft. Could just be me, I'm abit deaf already. Ha.
yo lurgee! haha. sorry i knocked ur camera with my head. didnt realised you were behind. hope to see yours soon!
that's right, I got impatient waiting for the NTUC guys to bring some more free booze so I bought some during the 'happy hour' and ran past the front of the stage and made one hell of a splash when I tripped

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