Van_halen, i think we have much in common! haha on all these Worldissues/history stuffs that is.
But even so that UN is like another League of Nations, at least it does help in many of the world disasters. Like many of the civil wars in the African countries, like eg, Sierra Leone.
And i read on wikipedia that the successor of Kim Jung Il would highly like not be his son. As quote
"North Korea remains silent on the issue of an appointed successor. South Korean media have suggested that he is grooming his son, Kim Jong-chul; however, Kim Yong Hyun, a political expert at the Institute for North Korean Studies at Seoul's Dongguk University, believes any appointee would be outside the family. "Even the North Korean establishment would not advocate a continuation of the family dynasty at this point."[24] His eldest son, Kim Jong-nam, was earlier believed to be the designated heir, but he appears to have fallen out of favor after being arrested at Narita International Airport in Narita, Japan, near Tokyo, in 2001 while traveling on a forged passport"
Interesting question of him being only a figurehead. But his lifestyle seems to tell me that he is less of a figurehead, and more of a supreme leader whom does nothing but, sit around and enjoy.
As quoted
"No one enjoys luxury goods more than paramount leader Kim Jong-il, who boasts the country's finest wine cellar with space for 10,000 bottles. Kim has a penchant for fine food such as lobster, caviar and the most expensive cuts of sushi that he has flown in to him from Japan."[27] His annual purchases of Hennessy cognac reportedly total to $700,000, while the average North Korean earns the rough estimate equivalent of $900 per year"
But can't help but say he looks extremely........funny. hahaha