North Korea; The state of Isolation.

Spent the afternoon watching vids about north korea.. Learnt alot.
Really would suck to be stuck there your whole life.
wtf? Buy hp nid apply?

This is outgrageous la.

Hp is a right if u got the money.

Damn. Wad kind of upbringing did Kim have sia...Control ppl until like that.

But. Don't all those dictator fall eventually?Why Kim haven't fall yet

Why? Becuz America has not invaded the last Axis of Evil, that's why! Imagine! The North Koreans could be enjoying the same amount of freedom as what the Iraqis and Afghans are enjoying now. America, F U C K YEAH!

And one thing why Kim Jong Il can last so long is that he probably might have pretty decent grammar as well.

I wonder what the peeps' views are on the United States hoarding all that oil for winter, driving up the cost of oil per barrel and making the oil shieks REALLY rich. Is the United States evil? I dunno but Rage Against The Machine keeps saying that leh...

How? [25 marks]
I don't think it would be a nice place to visit. Read some travel literature that said tourists would be watched out by not only the guides but by everybody else....workers on the street, chambermaid in the hotels, etc....they will even go through your rubbish to see what you're up to.
How? [25 marks]

if this was in my social studies essay question, i'll immediately fail.

I dont know how much the afghans and iraqis are enjoying their freedom. considering the fact that they themselves still have trouble within the country. there's still suicide bombings there. how could there be peace?

it's still odd thinking the Taliban itself is still around. let alone, osama not even been captured. the US's biggest coup would possibly be Saddam hussein, yet iraq still dont have a stable government.

sometimes we also ponder, is the US the dictator? they can declare war anytime they want, invade any country they want, come up with reasons (or excuses?) why they invade the country (WMDs? or OIL?). it's no wonder Bush is becoming infamous and the democratic party are taking over the US...

Score: 10m. you guys go dig up more marks with your views
speaking of usa, notice how differently bush treats n.korea, iraq and iran over the same accusation of possessing wmd?

years ago news came up that iraq had wmd, and bush adopted a hardline stance against iraq. usa then conquered iraq, and it turned out that iraq didn't have wmd at all. but to usa it's alright cos wmd isn't their real purpose anyway. at the same time of the iraq wmd accusation, n.korea announced themselves that they have wmd. and you could see how bush try to sweet talk nk's neighbours to settle it with nk via friendly dialogue. he basically didn't care if nk had wmd (cos they didn't have oil?). he was damn friendly to north korea.

then now he accuses iran of possessing wmd and adopts a hardline stance. now why didn't he adopt a hardline stance against north korea, when he is so hardline against iraq and iran, when iraq and iran don't even have wmd to begin with?

i really don't understand why bush jr can still remain as president for so long
Remember how Hitler committed suicide at the end of World War 2?
Mannn, there's so many stories about him not commiting suicide, but went into hiding and his decendents (or maybe himself) being still alive!

And, there's also stories that Osama/Taliban/Terrorists all are in a underground deal with US. That they're all fake, so that US can use that reason to take over the oil/(gold hidden under iraq!?).
Dealing with all these stories, sometimes you'd just wonder, what the hell is the truth exactly.

I read somewhere on one of the magazines that, the border between North and South Korea is guarded by Robot soldiers. Wonder if its the truth.

And, if you guys read/seen/heard on the news about the recent Myanmar riots, try finding videos on it, its really really heart-wrenching, but yet at the same time you feel relieved you're in a country like Singapore. Talking about the poor being poorer, and rich becoming even richer, the people in Myanmar (low/middle income groups) had to pay around a hundred $$ just to take a bus, because of the hike!
myanmar was not so bad before the current crisis right, cos quite a number of them had the chance of going overseas for good education...

yeah it was said that osama was/is a CIA agent. you have to wonder why until now he is not caught, and how attention is totally diverted away from him already after 911 when he was the poster boy

oh yeah another interesting thing: remember nick berg the guy who was supposedly beheaded by terrorists and the beheading video was circulated worldwide to news stations? apparently his beheading is a hoax. you can google "nick berg hoax" and there are pages which analyse and point out to your why it's a hoax.
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Dude, Hitler couldn't possibly survive a total burning wreckage, could he? And now we're all heading into conspiracy theories! C'mon, I can safely tell you I'm Osama and I am the mastermind behind everything!

Okay, now North Korea aside... Have we ever pondered on America's role in Iraq, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc?

The Cold War is a great example. Pro-democracy America was so afraid of a total overtake by Marxists and Communists alike that they decided to have a stand-off with the Soviet Union. But what right did America have to promote democracy as much as what right did the Soviet Union have to promote communism?

I find it totally wrong that America is interfering in every other's business. Haven't they learnt enough from Vietnam that interfering is the wrong thing to do? It was Vietnam's own domestic affair... And if there should be any thing that could intervene, it should be the UN-a global organization. Not a country that could impose its will on others!

America had always claimed they wanted to help and enjoy world peace. But I'll say that's totally bullshit. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan! It's no wonder that terrorists hate America! But then that's another thing and I don't think we want to talk about it.

Or we can start another thread. :P
wadz scary in north korea is that the citizens over there can't smile to tourists?
cuz itz illegal?

and, they really hate americans..
basically its just that if any country has or suspected to have weapons of mass destruction, then they will feel threatened and start coming up crap stories to invade and having all that espionage bullshit.

n.korea has got churches??..

thought communism suppressed religion?..

Extracted from -

Both Koreas share a Buddhist and Confucian heritage and a recent history of Christian and Chondogyo ("Heavenly Way") movements. The North Korean constitution allows freedom of religion. However, according to Human Rights Watch, free religious activities no longer exist in the DPRK as the government sponsors religious groups only to create an illusion of religious freedom.[56] In practical terms all religion in North Korea is superseded by a cult of personality devoted to the deceased ruler Kim Il-Sung and his heir, Kim Jong-Il.

Pyongyang was the centre of Christian activity in Korea before the Korean War. Today, two state-sanctioned churches exist, which freedom of religion advocates allege are showcases for foreigners.[57][58] Official government statistics report that there are 10,000 Protestants and 4,000 Roman Catholics in North Korea,[59] or 0.00022 percent of the population.

According to a ranking published by Open Doors, an organization that supports persecuted Christians, North Korea is currently the country with the most severe persecution of Christians in the world.[60] Human rights groups such as Amnesty International also have expressed concerns about religious persecution in North Korea.
Yes, in fact they despise America. They are taught that America lost to them during the Korean war. And that America is a loser country, that North Korea and its leaders are the best.

And Myanmar hasn't been any way better/good all the way since the 1990s. There was a similar case back then where alot of monks were killed too. But, not all Myanmar people are suffering, I have a Burmese friend who is one of the "higher grade citizens" whereby he lives in the capital, and his relatives are lawyers/government officials etc. But the people who are suffering in Myanmar are mainly the ethnic minorities and the lower/middle income people.

Talking about UN, ever wondered why UN never interfered in so many things that we thought they would? And seeing how weak UN's effort was at helping Myanmar, can't help but think that, is the League of Nations story coming up again? Even though it may be more of a 2 side thing, for UN to be able help, but i personally think that they could have done so much more.
Those who studied History, should know how Communism falls. Since now the Great Leader of North Korea Kim II Sung has passed away, leaving with his son to take over. If his son do not have a son, or a successor. Communism would eventually die under the hands of the new leader after Kim II Sung's son.

I believe that because of Kim, his ability to conquer the minds of his people resulted in how loyal North Koreans are. For example, how Mao Zedong managed to win the hearts of the peasants. I think again its the same story for North Korea. Just that this time, as a whole. Not just the peasants.

Well, maybe. In another few more years time. The people of North Korea might organize Revolution against the government, just like Russia and China. From there they will have new government or provisional government. Then either South Korea or America will intervent.

As for why North Koreans hate Americans so much, think of why Germans wanted revenge after the World War One so much.

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