Newly renovated Yamaha Combo Shop

xiaoviper said:
I can't wait cuz i got gig coming up i need high output pickups. My stock one sucks! lolz

u might wan try to contact / PM fretless6 he owns gain10 if i m not mistaken
Do they have any online ad on the discounted items i can view? I dun really have access to our papers now...

or anyone can provide some info?... thanks
Oh, erm I need to ask, any pickup can fix into any guitar rite? So like, if SH-4 is a 4 wire conductor. 16.4K DC Resistance can fit into my Samick SG. I scared later buy canot fit in... LOL!
xiaoviper - the SH-4 is 4 wire (5 including ground), humbucker size. it should fit into ur SG. (of course, if u had P90 type pickup covers you'll probably have to remove them.)
hey xiaoviper. my pick-up is a JD. I would glady trade with you if i can find a better one left from yamaha. then maybe can ask beez to do the transfer all together at his workshop there.

But that is if they still have the Alnico II left
Oh lol nvm, I'm getting it from gain10. Anyway, I don't know much about those things. 5 including ground? Whats a P90 type cover? I only know pickup cover, I don't mind 1 pickup without cover and 1 with cover, just that It will look weird.
seekz said:
hey xiaoviper. my pick-up is a JD. I would glady trade with you if i can find a better one left from yamaha. then maybe can ask beez to do the transfer all together at his workshop there.

But that is if they still have the Alnico II left
One last piece from wat i saw today
Jem007 said:
hey seek they still got alnico II pro..single coil quite a few..hum aboout one or two left..
Think he wants the Humbucker version right? Since he's going to swap it with his jb. There's only one left this morning.

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