new drummer

Rudiments aren't everything... they're just the ABCs of drumming, that's all. You can't bother with your vocab and grammar when your ABCs are not even there yet. Your sentence structures will become very primitive, even if it's on time and in the pocket or whatever you wanna call it. That's what separates a GOOD drummer from a GREAT drummer, IMHO.
I think that by practicing rudiments to a click, it helps enormously on your sense of time and eventually, speed and dexterity. It also helps when your sticking is rather complex, coz you still know the time and muscle memory while executing them. Then from there you can deviate from the stiff 'make the click disappear' time, and explore various feels. Anyone feel the same here?

Check here:

He explains and shows how rudiments can be applied to creative grooving and fills. His time is superb and I'm sure that his rudimental background helped him alot in that department.
rebunks your head la. haha

well actually ya. blurred has made a good equal sided point. BALANCE. wee
ok.. ya. well anyway.. playing with a groove in a way is already practicing ur rudiments. but i believe that we have to practice our specific rudiements. and from there create our own groove on the practice pad with just those rudimental strokes.. then bring it to the drumset and see wat u can do with it. the different variations and all..
LOL..i always practise through always find new songs thn play...juz keep playing..liddat can not?
rudiments are very very very important. they can really shorten your route to be a great drummer.
HAHA!!!i also dun know a shit bout rudiments...i started off by playing greenday stuff...cuz easy wat...but now i play greenday stuff i can sleep...
dun look down on simple songs...if u can paly fast but u cant make the people listen to move with you....u archieve nothing....but if a steady and solid simple rhythm can make ur crowd stand on their feet and rock with you... you are a great drummer...i learn this from someone great ^ ^ and it's very true (IMO, hope others agree too...) :P to make the move?haha...i also dun even know if they will move with my drumming...and anyway how to learn lor..teach me?
haha don't worry dude. when i started, i played linkin park songs. and i just whack la. i knew NOTHING about making the audience move to my groove.

then there will be a time where u mature musically, and i started to get out of linkin park and listen to bands like dream theater.. and many other jazz bands. but at the same time. i realised that i didn't have a drum teacher. so... WAT THE FOOK!! INTERNET LAH!!! so i ended up searching for lots of websites wif free lessons. (unfortunately i've lost all of them, except for those i can remember) and also.. talking to alot of other drummers and watching lots of videos.. they always seem to emphasize on RUDIMENTS.

but then again.. it was actually after watching DRUMLINE that i heard about the thing called rudiments. yah..

to make the audience groove is kinda hard at your begginer level. you probably never thought about it when u were playing green day songs last time yea?

so bottom line? rudiments first. =) take it from us. u need your rudiments down. then apply it to the drumset and make up a groove.
hey man, paradiddle or rudimental grooves are pretty advanced already. maybe something simpler first. find some nice simple grooves and make them sound good. one headlight by the wallflowers is the one i used first. if u have a recorder even better cause then u can heard urself back and correct mistakes. get a teacher lah, the older the dude the better, it will help with ur technique like sitting posture and ur grip. practising rudiments like crazy...thx for all the advice dudes :D im learning led zeppelin-stairway to heaven now... :D