new drummer


New member
hey ppl ima new drummer..started learning only 9 months ago...dunno how should i improve myself..i see those pro drummers play until so pro i also jealous lei...wat should i play to improve ar?
need any help dont be shy to ask... i've been on it for like 4 over years... haha... my left leg is like not as strong as my right leg so sometimes when i double pedal fast like joey jordison's sped its lagging... anyone with any help for my problem?
haha..i cant do double pedals yet :( how sad...i cant even roll properly..i roll for like 4 -6 seconds thn screw up liao...damn
u mean drum roll? the main point about it is to let ur stick bounce freely... make sure u are holding ur stick with ur thumb and second finger most of the time
i believe the third finger is ur middle finger? that will be th supporting finger then...use ur middle finger to stroke ur stick down to the surface of drum and keep ur left and right hand going constantly alternating...that's it ^ ^

but i cant do double pedal too...haha!! juz brought my double pedal todae...will work it out some dae ^ ^
can also... but it'll be quite awkward... go to that drummer world and go check the videos by the greats like steve gad, dave weckl... see how the hold and how they play
dun rush take ur time...double pedalling is not everything...
i cant do it well either...too dependant on equipment...

soo chill yea?dun rush...
What i suggest is to get a practice pad, a metronome (important), and of course, a pair of drumsticks. Start by working on your rudimentals and basics first. Basics are the foundation of everything. Always start from slow then gradually increase your speed. As for your rolling problem, try rolling slowly first. Once you're confident, then increase your speed.
yala. relek arr bro!! haha! wat kind of music are u into? that will partly determine your directions and paths in drumming.
i suggest u know wat bro. I SUGGEST WAT EPK SUGGEST! haha it's true.

u don't start off playing chops like virgil donati or say.. mike pornoy's "A Dance of Eternity" or "Erotomania" or double pedal like virgil or joey slipknot .. wicked.. haha

your rudiments are very important. don't neglet it.
lots of rudimental lessons over there yea?
yeah. Dont brush those rudiments off. U'll end up like me if u did. Look at mr buah...he 2 years younger then me....but plays better...why?coz he practiced his rudiments! :cry:
crozzfire said:
LOL need to take how long?i play those normal song until sian liao...i wan to play difficult songs... :evil:

it's encouraging to hear pple aspiring to drum well, but the above sentence is like saying "hi, i've only started to learn english for 9months and i don't know many english speaking friends, how long do i need before i can write chim poetry or prose? i write abc until sian liao..."

see, thing is, learn your abcs, grammar, then vocab, then exercise them with pple, obtain the exposure and experience and blahblah.

in drumming words, learn your basics ie posture, sticking, basic rudiments then sightreading, application of rudiments, drumset playing, dynamics then jargons, terms, different genres and styles then play with pple continuously.

progressive, not impulsive.

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