National Day coming...

IMO.. Government ban stuff because ultimately it will only bring damage to the country. The chewing gum was a great move i must say.. W/o chewing gums lives still goes on and with a cleaner city.. i shall not mention any country i've visited b4 that was badly damaged by chewing gum..

Say YES to clean air.. hmz smokers.. i think its time you think twice.. it is not to kill you when government ban smoking.. Just an example.. today i saw a young mother walking with her 3-5years old girl.. from was a beautiful scene.. a loving mother walking with her cute daugther..but when i close up.. the mum was smoking and smoking.. in my mind i was like "poor girl.. how will she live up normally? her life is already shortening the moment she was born.. maybe even before.." How can we live our life to the "fullest" than? sad case...
whoot let's see how business goes for pubs/coffeeshops when the proposed 10% smoking takes effect next year. no smoking=less tax from ciggies, which theoratically, would affect the economy unless of course the government raises other taxes.
Speaking of National Day , have anyone noticed that the "practice" of hangin Singapore Flag outside ur window has kinda died down. U only see a few flags flying ard.
yeah it's true that it was never compulsory...but it's a little sad that only a few people hang the flag out now. my family's always done it. and hung another one on the power substation outside my house too, lol. although one thing i noticed, there seem to be more in the heartland areas compared to nearer town. wonder why.
Those flags are meant to be hung up by us? I always thought bangla put them up when we are asleep in the middle of the night, like santa claus...
I think it is supposed to be hung up by us. If banglas were to hang them up for us, where would the sense of patriotism be then? Yes it would look nice, a pattern of flags on a HDB flat - but hung up by some banglas would take away its main purpose of National Day don't u think. Its our flag, let us display it ourselves
NATIONAL DAY PARADE on tv- if you are looking forward to watch this, please be informed that it's one of the most mundane i've ever witnessed... really undeserving for a farewell event @ National Stadium.
At least ur town council bothers to do that. my town concil never bothers at all. and my MP never comes my area also, only when elections come then they appear