National Day coming...

well this is a uncomplete work of mine.. but.. you noe wads e full thing suppose to be like i guess!

panz3rr said:
this country is ok la...but the smoking laws piss me off

sorry but i dislike smokers..
think e law is to bring awareness to smokers about how much damage they are doing to the surround ppl.. since they cant stop u smoking by adding fancy pics on ur wonderful boxes and cant stop u by increasing the price like mad.. they have to use yet another power method.. the smoking and non smoking zone..

Think in the view of the non smoker.. it is just like ppl farting next to you and they feel damn cool.. or it could be like asking everyone to start taking drugs.. not every1 wish to shorten their lives.. i myself cant see a single good point in smoking..

Now i noe i'm going 2 create some flaming on me.. i dun mind.. but i hope those smokers after reading my post you can at least think logically before you start flaming or "smoking" me out..
Gr3y said:
well this is a uncomplete work of mine.. but.. you noe wads e full thing suppose to be like i guess!

be careful of what you own there, it might translate into an act of flag desecration. if you paste a sticker of the national flag on the guitar body, it's a different story.
haha.. i dun paste sticker on my work.. anyway it is suppose to be a normal singapore flag.. so maybe when one day if i do use that to gig i can be proud and let ppl know i'm a singaporean.. we do see british flags n us n also japan flags on guitar dun we? why isnt there other country flags on it? i guess i'll make mine e 1st?
my point being- we have all the positive intentions of being proud of our country but the authorities might not see it that way. that's the genral treatment here.

personally, i apllaud your effort, bro.
me too! think the guitar will look wonderful.
and Panopticon, where else would we go? it's not so easy to just say, run away. Singapore is home. (lol. maybe that's my NJC brainwashing coming in) but although I complain and bitch, this is my home and my kampung. my family won't go anywhere. (and by the way, during Japanese Occupation, a lot of our grandparents and great grandparents DID escape to neighbouring countries. they--came--back.)
haha no problem. kudos to you for designing your own guitar in the first place man. if I ever tried to put together my own set of drums---NOT happening LOL.
I agree with panz3rr. But from a different aspect. It's really not up to the government if ppl wanna shorten their lives so to speak. I think this does not fully justify the reason for banning smoking. First it was chewing gum, now this. Sorta having our lives controlled. What next? Ban tattoes and piercings?

Well its just my point of view; meant no harm to anyone. Juz speaking up for others who are thinking along the same lines.
It's okay lah. But nowadays we are getting a little too comfortable..young people don't know the meaning of hard work and a difficult life..everything's provided for.
tt's wat they do in my sis' skool..if the PA breaks down(dunno y they got such lousiy weird PA systems) they'll ask some1 from their guitar club to play the national anthem with a miced classical guitar..kinda cool eh?

if it were me playing i'll play a solo halfway..then after prolly risk getting my butt whipped 12 times by the discipline master's
langsuir said:
I agree with panz3rr. But from a different aspect. It's really not up to the government if ppl wanna shorten their lives so to speak.

it is the government's business if it affects non-smokers (i'm not defending anyone here)- it's called 'social cost'.
yep, agree with that. sorry to hijack but I honestly think that I've the right to clean air, just as much as smokers have the right to smoke. Your right to free will stops where someone else's rights begin. there're enough pollutants around without adding more.
True true. I agree on the thing abt smokers affecting non-smokers. We should all be considerate. But it is also not fair to totally ban smoking all at once. Hope you guys get my point. Peace
langsuir said:
I agree with panz3rr..
yes our lives are getting conrolled to quite a large extend. the law keeps us from doing many things. some for the better some for the worse.

the chewing gum law did quite a wonder in cleaning up sg. i wonder what the smoking law would bring?

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