we live in a scene/industry that is full of lousy acts/organisers and very few good ones.
but that's the same for everything else in this world. shit is plenty but gems are rare.
i don't see the logic of being unhappy about bad acts/organisers. alot of people complain having been involved with such people, but in the end it only arises when bands get so desperate for a gig that they will accept any terms to get one.
and to get duped or conned, i think it should only occur once for everyone else not to let it happen again.
and then whine about it? whine about the fact that you are only good enough to get shit gigs? wake up lah...
there are 2 morals of the story:
1. beggars can't be choosy
2. fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me
to solve the money problem, all you need is some business sense. if you restrict yourself to thinking that your gig needs to generate money to fund itself, it will be very hard. if you think that someone who can give you a stage to perform can profit from you playing, then the problem is solved.
you don't just set up a myspace, cut an album, and then whine about how bad the scene is, having done everything you can. there is no free lunch, come back when you have something to trade.
alot of young guns in these forums, all i can say is that shit happens not only in the scene, but in life. simply working hard is something everyone can do and it will get you where everyone else is going. if you want to make it you need a break. and that takes some street smarts.