When you talk about the scene and what is wrong with the scene and the scene is so crappy......what exactly do you all want the scene to be? maybe that would be a good starting point?
How can you aim for something when you have no definite target to aim for that you all agree on?
hmm okay let's see. it's hard to start, but the main points i guess would be
1) good original music
i know good is subjective. let's look at it objectively, cutting out personal bias as much as we can. the ratio of good, decent bands to bad bands in singapore is maybe 1:100. lol. i can count the bands in singapore which have some sort of standard on my fingers and toes. that is spanning across most rock genres.
also, originality and the quality of songwriting. sure, there are bands out there who emulate and cover bands well. but it's cheap and overdone. there is nothing fresh.
2) support
this relies on 1), and it would not work if there is support but the music isn't good. then again, electrico, who is fairly mainstream and poppy, only managed to sell it's cds to 0.0025% of the population. sad, isn't it.
i was thinking school invasion tours are a good idea, and it's already happening. but i'm not sure how effective it has been, except for the obvious surge of people going to baybeats increasing each year for a free show, and increasing numbers of school kids organising rock shows to raise funds for charity.
still, it is a good start. personally, i was motivated when Ronin came to my school.