Lead by example?
Armchair critic. I know visa posts here frequently but I can't spare what in my opinion is one of the worst local bands. I don't think I can critically break down what makes their music bad, I think if you listen to the songs you might get what I mean. Maybe it's just me, but I honestly do not think so.
Okay, i'm done.
personally, I think Leeson is awesome.
Caracal. Probably going to get lots and lots of flak for this. The instrumentation is good, they should play post-rock, the vocalist ruins everything. The vocal melodies are so predictable and boring as hell.
Leeson. Boring songs, boring live show. Marketing style: Caucasian lead singer in oriental context = profit
Cardinal Avenue. Again, they don't have bad songs, and they don't have a horrid live show, though not that great. But their songs sound really similar to each other, and the vocalist's tone,lyrics and the vibe he gives off aren't my cup of tea.
Just looked at numerous bands/artists in the SG music scene and one word comes to mind to describe my feelings about it all:
The songs that I listen to usually relate to common themes such as teenage angst, love, life, death... The lyrics are usually the "first thing that comes to mind and oh i hope it rhymes"; there are essentially no hooks whatsoever; chords are usually the same ol same ol Am Em...
Another note, the scene needs more ATTITUDE.. Inject some attitude into yourself. I look on all the Myspace music bands in SG, and the background picture is 99% of the time, the band standing together OR with their instruments.
The problem is theyre just standing! Cmon make and effort and smile or make a crazy face or punch your next door neighbour...
Oh yeah, and HAVING A GIRL in your band playing the keyboards doesnt differentiate you from the 100s of other Blehs like you. Unless she can actually play...
OK bi for now. and go improve yourselves...
*btw this was meant to be constructive criticism not some sardonic lambast... okie?
If you've taken the trouble to talk to the guys from Leeson, you'll know that they are very genuine the way they are. You can see from the way they talk to each other that they are not putting on a fake image. Jamie Michael is British, if I remember correctly. He does some solo singer-songwriter stuff but I can't seem to find his myspace anymore.
ok. that's to say?
i think it's only natural to get an Angmoh to sing because i don't think an asian can croon like those angmohs do.
That's crap, I know more than enough yellow WESTERN OPERA singers to tell you it's all about technique and training, and most importantly, for singing more than any other instrument, TALENT. Which I have no doubt, exists in yellow people as much as white people.
totally true!Monofone. "Hey guys, lets rip Muse off and add some shitty talking vocals with our useless chick keyboardist!"