My opinion of what's wrong/needs to be improved on with SG music scene.

sad truth. we do not have any culture. but from an artistic point of view, i feel that gives good material for music. look at Alfian Sa'at's "The Merlion"

it is sad, however, that we can only identify with our lack of culture. but it will change as singapore matures and gets older.. or will it?

anyway i don't think we should avoid discussion.
sad truth. we do not have any culture. but from an artistic point of view, i feel that gives good material for music. look at Alfian Sa'at's "The Merlion"
Hmm I ve googled that and i only found its lyrics. Unless that is some sort of literature, if its a song u know anywhere I can hear it?

it is sad, however, that we can only identify with our lack of culture. but it will change as singapore matures and gets older.. or will it?
Heh I seriously doubt that man.. I seriously do.
sad truth. we do not have any culture. but from an artistic point of view, i feel that gives good material for music. look at Alfian Sa'at's "The Merlion"

it is sad, however, that we can only identify with our lack of culture. but it will change as singapore matures and gets older.. or will it?

anyway i don't think we should avoid discussion.

discussion is one thing, repetition is another.

case in point- fender or gibson?
Visa I think after being in SOFT for a while, people already realise how cyclical and repetitive this topic becomes. Does that mean we should not discuss it at all? In all those threads prior to this I ve never raised my $200 worth of points on singaporean culture. I dont think anyone has discussed that before, and that makes it a new point. Dont u want new points to arise from discussions?

(Btw is it just me or is typing out the word 'repetitive' a total bltch after, pardon the pun, repetitively typing it out?)
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The Noose?
Hahahaha. Man.
I was looking forward to it, the ads suggested something interesting. But then when I watched it I really didn't like it at all, maybe just the first few episodes were lacking.

And visa, discussion is never pointless. It exposes people to different viewpoints and at the very least makes things more interesting. Repetition is a part of discussion. Through repetition we discover new things and we question things, I don't think that's a bad thing. I've written plenty of shit on threads like these in the past. Do I agree with every single thing I've written in the past year or 2 about local music? Definitely not. Discussion provides growth. Someone might read what I said and what you said and might find that they agree with both, then they'll question why their beliefs contradict and realize their just mindlessly agreeing and they'll form their own belief on whatever. If everyone uses their brain more, that's a good thing, Singapore seems to fixate us on only using the brain to memorize math and physics formulas, and sometimes we never ever truly understand any of it. I'm going to stop now before I write some essay on why discussion is good.
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no but this arguing going to help/benefit someone or just gonna anger some of the guys here??

U saying this adds to the mini arguments that ruin the thread. Please if u wanna say something, keep it to the general topic. I agree with pathein that this is a slightly more insightful thread about the scene.
no but this arguing going to help/benefit someone or just gonna anger some of the guys here??

it does actually...

to some its easy to see on the surface and noticed all the "arguing like" vibe. But within the writings and point of views, theres some interesting part which are waiting for others to digest, relate, think, reflect and changed, in some ways, on personal level which might influence others, on bigger scale, for some changes. Good or bad, doesnt matter, at least theres chance to stop, think reflect and changed

when, was the last time, we think, reflect or change?
oh, that reminds me, pardon, sidetrack a bit, is cave event still active?

hahaha you still remember? we haven't organized shows in a while since we made a couple of big losses- but the guys are still around, and we'll try to do something next year maybe. :)
hate that argument to death. how do you suppose one guy fix the problem? by talking about it, he is trying to influence people to change their mindsets. even if he may sound pushy, i don't exactly want a singapore which supports shitty and mediocre music and licks their feet. and then again, only the scene kids do that. so it's like a circle jerk with everyone having a good time. sounds great.

There's nothing inherently wrong with criticism - good or bad. However, being critical of bands is one thing, judging bands to be redeemable by personal standards and taste is another. You don't like a particular band, great, I'm sure someone else does. Do you think monofone is going to come here and read this thread and think, "shit we're totally ripping off Muse! why didn't we know this before? we've been outed, our music must be worthless now! let's totally rip another band like that's the only thing good we can do!"

no, i think if you're trying to influence people by words, why not make another music review editorial or a blog, and criticise/promote what you like? or else you can start by making music which you think can influence others positively, and maybe realise (if you don't already) that it's not that easy in our musical climate to appeal to everyone.

Anyway i'm all for honest and engaging discourse, no need to take it personal. We all know opinions on the internet are worthless other than to kill time so merry christmas and a happy new year god bless you all and Sara Palin!