True.. Well an ideal world is impossible. To me, a music scene which is good enough to quell peoples' rants is impossible anywhere. A music scene which is as good as the US or UK or even other European countries to me is also impossible here in Singapore, that's why I've just come to accept its perpetual mediocrity. Of course, I seriously applaud efforts by others to significantly improve the scene, but on a personal level I don't see it changing ever.
Quantity wise maybe it will increase, meaning more and more....... AND MORE... and more bands appear and start looking for gigs. Conversely, maybe this "cool to be in a band" trend will end soon but quality wise, or in terms of Singaporean bands coming up with a distinctly Singaporean sound - never to me.
I think that's where you are wrong.
You do not need to have a "Singaporean" sound, I think that mentality fails itself. You don't need to sing in singlish, use hokkien swears or talk about the merlion.
The most important thing is something fresh.
I detest people who claim that everything has been done before, and use this to justify their unoriginal boring songs. Has anyone here studied permutations or combinations or that math crap?
Firstly, there are ALOT more sounds than all the typical sounds you hear in rock.
Using samplers and creating a sound that you want, coming up with a beat on a drum machine and adding distortion to it, adding delay to that beat, adding delay onto your voice, phasing your voice in and out on a vocoder and controlling it by using a sample pad. Using an accordian, using traditional asian instruments, adding effects to these instruments, singing with different techniques(your voice can be manipulated alot), sing in more than one language, sing in jibberish, coming up with a tribal beat and singing pop melodies over it, pitch shifting your voice. Also, controlling how to use various effects, to what degree blahb lah balbhab labha. Obviously it'd be impossible for me to list or know every single thing, but you get the idea.
And of course the ENDLESS amount of structures one can come up with, and the dynamics one can apply, and the variations of everything.
All of this can be done in ANY context.
The point is, there are no limits at all, other than maybe the amount of cash you'll spend on various gadgets. But it's not like a good guitar is cheap either. And your head is probably the most important gadget anyway. A song doesn't have to have guitar, a song doesn't have to have drums, a song doesn't have to have bass. A song doesn't have to have a verse, a chorus, a bridge. The possibilities are almost never ending, and they surely will not end in our lifetime.
And hell, you can still write fresh music with just guitar, bass and drums. You can write fresh music with typical sounds.You can rip off so many little different things and write something fresh out of it, but of course I think it's probably harder to do this consciously than to do it subconsciously, by LISTENING TO MORE TYPES OF MUSIC. More people should do this.
Anyone who claims all music sounds the same and is unoriginal is just a lazy bastard, and they should just stop playing music, because if it's a chore then what's the point. Play with a group of people you enjoy playing and hanging out with, experiment with them, grow with them, that's the whole point of a band. Don't lump yourself into some genre and damn yourself to it, write GOOD songs, that's all that matters.
Make yourself matter, don't be just some other crappy mediocre band who plays 4/4 versechorusversechorusbridgechorus rock.