MUST READ: Auburn's Epiphany Situation

by the way, not to sound insensitive or anything-

is it just me, or do relationships in bands just never work out? country music couples, the white stripes, etc etc
bad karma...bad karma....ash the pocket monster gay? lol..anyway,in all seriousness,he should not have hit a girl man..Good luck to the remaining people :D
if ash asked you guys to form Auburn's Epiphany again, would you? Ok dumb question but consider your friendship. But if it was me i wouldn't. Hehehe. But different people have different point of views. Lets hear some:)
IF I were to ever be an Auburn's Epiphany member again, it will be because of:

1) Undisclosed Malicious Intent
2) Undisclosed Malicious Intent
3) Undisclosed Malicious Intent
4) Undisclosed Malicious Intent
5) Money

Just kidding... But really. Since you asked, I would say that I'll never work with the only person that I know I think I'll dislike for the rest of my life.
honestly, that is danm disturbing.. hitting a girl seriously is just not right lah..

kudos to you guys for not letting the situation stub out the passion.

but i think its freaking lame to publicise it on soft. come on, grow up. you don't put someone's name down just like that. i mean u wish him good luck and stuff but at the end of the day, its just putting his name down man. Now, thats what i call immature.

I don't know who the hell is Ash Akhtar, nor Auburn's Epiphany, but good luck to all of you, if it doesnt work, it doesnt, don't put people's name down.

No doubt, what he did was all wrong, but hell, we didn't have to know man.

Haha, sorry if this thread offended you or breached your threshold of reasonability. But people have been asking, and i daresay quite a number, so to save time, we thought we'd just publicise it here.

just my 2cents. or rather what i deem might be an excuse for this act of defamation, that yes i've thought was kinda bad to do, too.
all people have to know is, it didnt work out.... i think he deserves some respect, thats all. Cut the details next time when some idiot screws up in ur band.

I think the truth is needed when explaining the situation. and We can't just say we had a fallout without explaining why. Thus, the details. :)

But i feel on our part we've said too much other than the first post. We've let our emotions control us far too long and we apologize.
A guy beatin a woman...deserves respect???...check your values...its the worst form of cowardice..

I for one am glad that this was brought to my attention....if this ash guy iss lookin to form a band....people should know what went down....

If a band just broke up or a member left its a different story...but this is abuse....

+100 to the threadstarter...thanks for bringin it to our notice... :)

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