Moving On


New member
I know this has been discussed endlessly but I came across a blog entry which really set me thinking. Wondering what you guys think about it.

"I love Singapore.

Singapore is where I grew up. Singapore is where my family and friends are. Singapore is where I have called home for over three decades.

I am not emigrating to avoid my citizenship responsibilities. I have served and completed my full time National Service. I pay both my income and consumption taxes to the full extent required by the law. I have obeyed the laws of Singapore. I am not under persecution and enjoy many freedoms.

I am considering emigration for economic reasons. I am emigrating because I wish economic security. Because I believe that the welfare of citizens should not be sacrificed on the altar of rapid economic growth. Because I believe age discrimination is wrong. Because I fear economic non-viability above the age of forty. Because I fear dying old, sick and destitute when I am unable to afford medical care in a society with no social safety net. Because I actually want to be a property owner and not a technical leaseholder. I am considering emigration because I ignore the mass media propaganda and try to actually understand the economic viability of immobile citizens in a topdown-managed tiny nation state in a rapidly changing world.

I am considering emigration for political reasons. I am emigrating because I wish to participate in civil society without having to register a political party. Because I reject the idea of political OB markers. Because I believe citizens (not PRs or foreigners) should have the primary influence in the running of the country. Because I believe a government should serve the citizen, and not rule the citizen. Because I want to live in a democracy, not a oligarchy. Because I believe a free press having their hidden agendas but that agenda should never blindly echo that of the ruling party in government. I am considering emigration because I want to be able to express my love and affection for my country without immediately being scrutinised for a political agenda.

I am considering emigration for personal reasons. I am emigrating because I love long roadtrips, even though I have no interest in cars. Because mountains and cliffs and wide open beaches stir my soul. Because I want to see sparkly stars at night and fluffy clouds in the day right on the horizon. Because every place I hold close to my heart in Singapore is rapidly being torn down, redeveloped and upgraded into glitzy souless tourist attractions. I am considering emigration because I want to be where being a little offbeat, weird, odd or downright quirky is acceptable.

I am considering emigration because I am not wanted in Singapore. Because when a government acts like a utilitarian corporation, the citizens will act like pragmatic consumers. Because I believe in the power economic choice of "taking your dollar elsewhere if you don't like the service"."

I wonder how many of us actually dare make a move and migrate.

This is no more Singapore, this is a fucked up country where Pm loves cheap labour, too many China people here, makes me think like im in a diffrent country already.

Why must the Pm love cheap labour so much, They're just polluting over beloved country.
mwahahahahahahahahah! Pardon me, singapore in early days are mostly immigrants and we their offsprings

Why we hammer them? Isnt that like spitting on our father/mother father/mothers father/mother father/mother mother/mother/father/father
"The welfare of citizens should not be sacrificed on the altar of rapid economic growth."

Welfare states have their shortcomings too, including excessive demand from the general public, high taxes and general inefficiency.

"I believe age discrimination is wrong."

You'll face it wherever you go.

"Because I fear economic non-viability above the age of forty."

Your economic viability depends on you, your skills and your abilities.

"Because I fear dying old, sick and destitute when I am unable to afford medical care in a society with no social safety net."

The safety net's going to come out of the higher taxes you pay, you could just save up or buy insurance if you're that worried.

"Because I actually want to be a property owner and not a technical leaseholder."

To serve what purpose? But reasonable, if you can't afford property here.

"I am considering emigration because I ignore the mass media propaganda and try to actually understand the economic viability of immobile citizens in a topdown-managed tiny nation state in a rapidly changing world."

So what has this fella actually understood?

I could go on, but without purpose. I wouldn't be able to change his mind, or yours if you want to leave Singapore.

Personally, I believe that if you feel you have a problem, you should stand up to it, face it, and do your best to fix it rather than run away.

Globalization today means that your economic viability boils down to who you are and what you can do, not where you are.

I believe the political climate will change over the next generation, and it is up to us to make the difference.

You can always travel, and then come back home.
no cheap labour, no bangla, no china men..who wanna sweep the floor? do the construction? anyone here wanna do?
I dont know lah but the only thing i find good about singapore is its security against crime. Other than that i cant find anything else worth to live for in this country. Cost of living is becoming insane. Food, transport, smokes, accommodation. Unless you come from a rich family, you'll have nothing much to complain about but the ones with the average income family can feel the torment every fkin year. I believe that all the MRT deaths were suicide cases but they did it because of financial problems. So would you rather see yourself splattered on the MRT track or somewhere else in the world(im not trying to say all of us will).
So for those who can endure by all means stay.

For those who wanna migrate. DO IT! Get to know the world. Explore, have fun and expose yourself to risks which are not found in Singapore.

Visa. Moving out of this country is not running away. Its doing something about your problem unless you strike 4D 1st prize. We all know money and citizen participation is a huge problem in this country.

Can you really voice out your honest opinions in public? NO

You wake up in the morning, light ur contraban cigarette downstairs at the coffeeshop at the non-smoking area and threw the butt on the floor. 3 fines in 1 action.

Late for work, you speed and forget to put your cashcard in the IU unit. 2 fines in 1 action.

COE, Roadtax and ERP is a fine for car owners.

Everyone has their own reasons to stay and to not stay.

Not to forget, don't you just love to see really really old people work their ass off to survive their last few years of their life? :)
i would consider migrating when i'm close to retirement.
it's good to have a change of environment considering that u've been living in the same place for more than half or 3/4 of your life.
anyway, it's good to see the world during your lifetime.
no harm anyway.
i dont think anybody wants to be a "country bumpkin".

i myself have visited many countries and stayed in one of them for a period of time.
it's an eye opener and an invaluable experience.
we should be more open minded abt this. :)
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There are pros and cons, somethings you'll like about this country and somethings you won't. I can't speak from experience but i have friends who've stayed/worked overseas. Generally, other countries look attractive from the outside. the pros are very obvious...lots more to see and do, slower pace of life..more benefits..but stay someplace long enough, you'll might uncover the flipside of things that will irk you.

At the end of the day its down to personal preferance and choice imo. I wont leave sg for a simple reason - friends and family (and good food available 24hrs!!)
Generally, other countries look attractive from the outside. the pros are very obvious...lots more to see and do, slower pace of life..more benefits..but stay someplace long enough, you'll might uncover the flipside of things that will irk you.

Exactly taypeng. Most people just think of all the downsides of Singapore and all the upsides of whatever country grabs their fancy. Then when they get there, they realise that the so-called social safety nets, the generous maternity benefits, the "freedom" to work less, and so on all come with costs.

If you are willing to accept those costs, then well and good. But I know of people of get a shock from these, and come back with their tails between their legs. The point is - this is not heaven, but neither is there.
We can't really do anything about the beaches and mountains @_@

I guess its a trade off in Singapore, the path has already been set for you, all you need to do is just work hard. We're a very safe country too, everyone knows that.

But then the thing is we only have one path, so those who don't wanna follow the 'study hard, get good office job' path kinda suffer.

Singapore... 'No Country For Old Men'? HAHA

Each country has it own set of problems that the people are gonna have to deal with. (racism sucks btw)

And since the entry ended with a 'I take my money somewhere else' thing, I guess he already migrated.
+10 to what panz3rr says (except for the 4D thingie. I'd prefer TOTO or the Sweeps LOLz). pedialite too.

I hold no higher regard for anyone than those that are willing to uphold, protect & support a way of life. But if the way of life is to endure economic hardship & sufferage, whats there to do?

And when deprived of opportunities, 'study hard, get good office job path' will sure SEEMS like a waste of time.
i can feel for the 40 yr old worker. who doesn't want a better life? if he wishes for that elsewhere, then its cool. after all, life is what we make of it.
Singapore's a beautiful country. Problem is, life gets too mundane. And I can't say much more about the education system. Being a student in Singapore is not much fun.

If I could emigrate, I would have done so a long time ago. Doesn't take much bravery to fled from somewhere you don't like.