Dime is overrated, how, maybe his music is not for everyone but go & see what some well known guitarist has to say about Dimebag.
Respect goes to all brothers & sisters in music.
Dime's solo's are pretty devoid of musical content and seem to consist mainly of whammy bar histrionics, off key harmonics and other tricks. Aside from his so called "solo's", the rest of his playing consists of 2 note chords distorted beyond all recognition.
I would go a step further and say almost all rock guitarists are terribly overrated. Rock, as a form of music, is not at all musically demanding. Compared with most forms of music, Rock is harmonically and rhythmically simplistic to the point of being childish. Even the so called virtuoso's like Malmsteen appear to have missed many of the subtleties of performance and interpretation.
For a practical example, compare and contrast Malmsteen (a very highly rated rock guitar player) and a non-rock musician playing some Bach...
I'm just saying.