Metal in Singapore's Society...

^ she's desperate for attention...

urmm and yeah i wanna research on help me how to speed up my findings? i tried googling..nothing related came up
metal = gimmick made in e west :D

Old school fellas are laughing their bud off seeing kids still buying the whole satan metal crap !!

See ..u need controvercy to sell cause it draws alot of attention ....Satan is a good'ol excuse !!

I have been to Europe and witnessed the Black Devil Metal...whatever you wanna call it ...was a bloody joke !!

Just play metal if thats your choice of expression ...just don't preach it !!
theres nothin really bad bout nu metal-it depends on ur taste for music.u can be out there headbanging to thrashcore or death metal and all those real heavy stuff,(sometimes critisizing hip-hop,rap groups)but i think its good to go out and listen to all sorts of genres,be it metal or emo.the only genre that i think its real overatted is rap,rap may be kewl for hip hoppers but i really think rap groups such as 50 cent,G unit,Snoop Dawg are too metal embrases anti-christ and satanism,so i think ppl shouldnt get into em too much,thrash metal and death metal are ok tho...
Anyway,bac to the topic-i think sg really should promote a variety of music-not jus jazz or punk or hip hop, but also some metal ...
MadWereWolfBoy said:
well, everything is relative.

Of course, if you are speaking on a demand of local metal band gigs, then it would only come from the regualrs in the metal scene. However what I was referring to just now was the demand of big name metal bands like Iron Maiden.
AEnimic said:
^ no there's no ..

There are many forms of Black Metal. It is true the a big portion of Black Metal is satanic, but there are also black metal that are anti-satanic, pagan, christian and black metal that does not involve any religion. So saying that the people from the genre reject the belief of god is a horrible generalization.
how come you all keep talking about different bands without relating to the singapore context as the topic title suggested?

i have seen some metal gigs and everyone were just enjoying themselves. loads of energy going on.

* if you have a gig in a community centre or pub, how 'evil' can you get? ha..ha... it is all good clean fun. :lol:

check out some of the pix i took during some metal gigs in the gallery.
Yea i guess they were grouping singaporeans into the "aiyo metal song the devil ah!" society for the sake of Black Metal, when there are other subgenres of metal but seems that black metal is quite popular eh...or u might put it, Infamous. So in conclusion, many said itll work through the radio. So hopefully it will invade 98.7, Power 98, or even better have its own station(probably take like 5 yrs or so), so people will have a good idea what metal is all about. Cheers to that! :partyman:
AEnimic said:
^ no there's no Islamic Black Metal...when they're black its black already...they hate god in entirety...though i have heard about a cult before that steps of the Holy Books of Islam..

Its called Anti Black Metal,and I saw some on wikipedia.
Lol,quite disturbing to me.
The only problem i see is that metal is not getting enough exposure in our country. Plain and simple.

To rectify this, well it doesn't really do much if we moan for pages on end just how lousy the metal scene here is, right? Why don't we go out there, get ourselves some gigs, increase exposure and see where we can go from there? It's sad seeing all this angst being wasted away in the forums. To those who're really doing something, kudos to you! : )
I think this is a good example. Check the band line up and venue.

are u sure metal is treated like that? I just saw the yamaha asian beats heats and it's like the majority of the bands there were all playing metal. Metal metal and metal. lol. Last year also the finals full of metal. Rap-metal especially.

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