Pros and Cons, yes.
As much as we want to keep the scene free of poseurs that run around telling others they are black metal, wear pentagrams and start spewing anti-christian blashphemy, this expansion will also increase audiences in gigs, open up other people to our genre and make it more acceptable in modern day society. I believe it will do massive good for the local scene.
Let's face it. Singapore's social culture has never shared an open minded view such as perhaps Norway's infamous black metal or viking roots, or teenage pop culture in the US. As much as I would love our metal scene to be free of 'metalheads' who have the wrong perception of the music, I believe we should also be accepting the good with the bad. It would be hard to believe that even in large scale populations in the metal scene from countries like the US, that there are no 'scene' kids around.
And let's face it. We as musicians, listen to metal for the rage, the anger, the technicality, blah blah. Whatever the reason is, everyone around us also has the right to listen to the music. There is no certain categorisation of who can or cannot listen to metal.
I am just as sick of people who get too absorbed into a musical genre. Well, metal is meant to be evil, angry and malicious. But they certainly don't have to let it get so into their heads. I do think we are fortunate in a way. We don't have issues such as the Koran buring in M'sia, church burnings whatsoever.
I believe in acceptance. Our society has limitations and restriction but I believe of all things, music and metal have none of the above.
This is my opinion. I would love to hear your views as well.