I just read some misguided post about how metal is satanic and I decided to at least write a short overview fo the benefit of the less informed, regular metalheads, pls bear with me.
The video Metal, A Headbanger's Journey is a good start.
Metal or even rock was considered satanic because of the use of the Tritone, or whta many call the Devil's note, another misleading phrase that has led to today's ignorance. This harks back to classical music theory after the Renaissance and is a great example of religious anachronism.
Metal from Europe has its roots in the reclamation of ancient ancestry roots before Christian domination. The Christian conquerors outlawed these practices, called them paganistic. Again, powerplay and politics, for those here more conversant with history. Some metal bands proclaim their "paganistic" roots and act against what they view as cultural domination. Even in Asia, bands like Cthonic strive on reviving Taiwanese Aboriginal language and history before the Chinese Conquerors. All these however made them look "satanic" to an uninformed audience.
the infamous burning of churches in Norway... satanic acts in favour of the mythical Devil? Well, some interviews showed that its more a case of class divide. The churches symbolised wealth, upper class the Christian society in comparison to the less privileged folks from whom many metalheads come from. Burnin the churches, were a protest against social inequality rather than religious affect.
Your innocent pop idols use sex to sell.... metal simply uses gothic images to sell to the other folks who are sick of candy ass bitches.
for all hardcore metalheads... metal as music is a highly disciplined art form which has a niche audience. We are not concerned that others may not like it like we do, or appreciate the musicianship involved in what they call noise, but its use of techniques, band teamwork and progressions remain one of the tightest and demanding in the sense that the first to go are personal egos and the last to emerge is a unified and coherent structure best suited to aggression and the darker reflections of life.
That is metal.
And I am sure other metalheads here know even more than the very little that I have pointed out here.
If any folks here still prefer surface ignorance and religious bigotry to define a disicplined art form, then I suggest they make more informed comments before they run the risk of looking really stupid.
Lastly, as a parting FYI:
Satanism, in the academic sense, means a certain nihilism and the practice of no holds barred attitude to life. Very hedonistic as well. Its best summed up as "If I like it, I do it".....
Remains you more of the kind of lifestyle and ideas propagated by more mainstream pop cultures doesn't it?