MDA - Watch This!

I almost emailed the link to this thrad to MDA, just to prove to them what alot of Singaporeans really think of their attempt. But I fear that would only invite retaliation and a danger of this forum being shut down.

But the video (and them ultimately taking it down) proves something: that they are completely biased and ignorant about the Singaporean audience. They make their decision and control of the Singapore media with a preconceived midset of what the Singaporean audience mentality is like, and they have used the SAME preconceived mindset in their effort to produce this video. And they make no apology about it.

That seriously worries me; the people who are authorised to run our media have no idea what the audience is like, nor do they have any idea about the mass popular culture that our society is in tuned with. Either they have not done their research, or they researched and are finding the wrong answers, or they are steadfastedly holding on to outdated facts.

Either way, in their attempt to bridge the gap between them and us, they only succeeded to burn it further, by being completely clueless.

Mediums of information and expression, controlled and watched over by the apathatic and ignorant? I shudder to think what our minds have been fed with all this while...
Very well said THOA! I completely agree with you. :) Hoped not too many people saw it overseas. That'd be a real red-faced moment for us.

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