it is sad that they prefer to blow money on such worthless "art" like this video. maybe they should start supporting our upcoming and striving bands with that money. Less advertising more action.
but then again its the Singapore governments way of doing things . COE comes down , ERP goes up... They show a smiley face and the slap you for sayin F**k ..
What is the whole motive of the video? and what is their idea of supporting the scene.. to build a democratic society means freedom of speech while we have these guys come over to watch you like hawks if you are expressing yourself against the government or any other thing?
i feel that b4 making the video and gallivanting on the fact that we are a "creative" society, they should allow our creativity the be free and spoken. after all as arty-farty people that they claim to be , they should understand that music is an art that is a form of expression . slapping us with fines is good as placing a gantry at every avenue of us expressing our thoughts and what we feel INSIDE.Its as weird as placing a censor patch on a a painting in the art museum. Singapore has an awesome music scene but we are not UNITED.That is a whole diff topic anyway.But of course if IDA gives a Go sign we shouldn't abuse it as well. Its quite weird how Singapura claims you to be their own son, their creative rebel right after you make it overseas.
Its the same analogy of a mother who paid no attention to her son and after someone else natured him till he does well what do we have? right after the son makes it and returns, this mother who played the blind eye to the son claims him to be her own and starts throwing a party for him.. pretty weird i know. But these are just my views and observations on it , i may be wrong but everyone is entitled to theirs rite?
ppl make mistakes . But for such a huge organization to be making some or are blind to it , is quite questionable. Singapore should also start to understand that its us musicians who have to help each other out . Genre is what separates us . However music is one language.We should link the bridges between genres and music.
See you guys at ROCK UNITY 24th of Nov Sat at home club at 7pm
(i know the last line is totally out of point but mite as well let you know abt the gig one shot and i hope to see your support for these 5 bands)
no offense softies!