MDA - Watch This!



Watch this guys.
These are the people at the Media Development Authority.
The people who are the watchdogs for the media development in Singapore. Basically they're the ones who slap fines on people in radio, broadcast, print, etc who say 'the wrong things'.

Aren't we all happy that these are the people watching over us? ;P

Yes, yes, y'all! We don't stop. (cough)
The PR agency must really really work very hard to undo the harm done. ha..ha...

anyway, What is the reason for this video?

I heart Cassandra though!
the MDA's msg is simple:

if it makes money, its good art.
if its good art, it must make money.
if it doesnt make money, its not even on our radar, so dont bother us with it.
There's like one hot girl in the MDA or something haha

Anyway, watch it all the way to the end, and check out the HDTV guy, the superman outfit ont he top of a building. Poor fella. The others got to wear suits, while he does the superhero thing lol
1) this is what tax money is going towards? they should take the 20k they blew on this ridiculous video and use it to host a gig/theatre production/art exhibit, or perhaps even help fund the Rock For Wayne DVD. God knows making DVDs is pricey.

2) Cassandra can't rap but she sure is a QT-pi.

3) wow. this makes me want to move someplace where the people running our country's media don't act like 12-year old 50-cent wannabes.
So everytime your favourite show gets censored, a radio station gets fined for talking abotu sex, a print magazine puts a wrong word in, a video game gets banned for violence, the best part of a movie gets edited out, know that these are the people who commissioned it. They are the hippest of cool, yes yes y'all!
cina chope can't rap. And they shouldn't try.

it's so lame and so reflective of why it's always an uphill battle.

Only these people think that all rap n hip hop is cool.

wow, that was just a bad video.

it left me flabbergasted. (which is a good thing since my flabber hasn't been gasted in ages).
"it left me flabbergasted. (which is a good thing since my flabber hasn't been gasted in ages)."

That's damn funny! lol

If i ever meet any of them in person it'd be hard to keep a straight face or burst into random rap and try to cram all my words into one line.
An embarrassment is but a severe understatement, this whole video.

And it's done by ad agency 360 no less.

This is what happens (sometimes) when you involve non-creative people in a creative process.

Goodness, gracious me.. My eyes! My eyes!! Ouch!!!!!

My ear flaps are instinctively trying their best to close to block out the noise. Bahahahaha!!!!

Wow liao, the end result is like appalling! An embarrassment is like a severe understatement man...

The world must be laughing at us if they see this (just read through the YouTube comments).

MDA, of all people, doesn't realise the importance of aethestics and the fundamentals of marketing meh?

Doesn't mean the senior management wants something, it should be done! Doesn't take a Harvard or a Yale graduate to tell you that.

Basically it tells you what Singaporeans really think of 'being creative'.

Its just another message to all of us aspiring artists, once we release a demo and we a label is interested, pack your bags and go.
omg, you have got to be kidding me!
what the hell were they thinking!

The could have spent the money better on somewhere else.
it isnt cheap to make a video man, none the less a shitty one.
you know what i think?

i bet those people aren't as lame or dumb as they seem to be,

It's like how you might be able to give a meaningful speech but choose to wear a clown outfit to interact with children.

they're acting lame and dumb because that's what they think appeals to the everday ah bengs and ah lians. Look at the comedy on Channel 5. We have good quality actors who act lame and pathetic, using the "anvil fall on your head" kinda humour instead of more witty humour that you can find on say Star World.

Are our actors incapable? I don't think so. If you've caught people like Adrian Pang, Neo Swee Lin, Lim Yew Beng etc in our local theater, you'll know that these people are very insightful and capable of deep thought.

but what's the point if you don't see any audience response?

same with music too. we have people in successful pop bands that ARE capable musicians (the simple plan guitarist can SHRED man!) but who choose to play mindless meaningless drivel because the general public eats it up.

basically- if they didn't think this would work with the public (and that means GENERAL public, not just the intelligent people on, do you think they'd still have done it?

The SARS virus RAP, etc, come to mind.
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my dream job is to be the person that watches the movie and cut out unnecessary parts

i get to watch all these films while thousands of singaporeans wish they can

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