Mass Order Gotoh FR Anyone?

1 j_b_g (black)
2 shredcow (black)
3 crossfire (black)
4 Gr3y (chrome)
5 bluepowder (chrome)
6 dric (chrome)
7 penguin (chrome)
8 penguin (black)
9.FGL (chrome)

our japan supplier:

2 more...

Total Cost (with delivery, GST, Duties and Tax, T/T fee, banking fee)
Gotoh FR Black = S$115
Gotoh FR Chrome = S$111
cool thanks.. now we need 1 more buyer! any1? hello this is a fucking good deal!! you are freaking blind if you are not changing yours! :twisted:
Its pretty ridiculous to sell the trem without the arm. Then since they don't list the lock nut together in the same pictures, best to ask them about that too. And the trem posts. Nut shims.

The pictures online are for visual reference, in fact, those are the only "official" pictures of the Gotoh floyd rose, online.
ah well.. if it comes with only the fr.. forget it.. if it comes with the lock nut, trem post, arm and any other miscellaneous items, i'm probably in for it..
Hi, my first post =D But I've been reading SOFT for quite a long time already. This M.O seems like quite a good deal. Would love to get a Black FR with you guys.

If you're worried bout my low post count, I can meet up to transfer the money to you.

1 j_b_g (black)
2 shredcow (black)
3 crozzfire (black)
4 Gr3y (chrome)
5 bluepowder (chrome)
6 dric (chrome)
7 penguin (chrome)
8 penguin (black)
9 FGL (chrome)

update the list thanks...
lol.. i wanna get if i can get my explorer on time.. then rout the thing out and then toss this in.. can't live without the fr man... damn...
1 j_b_g (black)
2 shredcow (black)
3 crozzfire (black)
4 Gr3y (chrome)
5 bluepowder (chrome)
6 dric (chrome)
7 penguin (chrome)
8 penguin (black)
9 FGL (chrome)
10 jeremyrozario (black)
11 VG2021 (black)
12 ...
from what I saw the lockin nut should be bottom mounted... I need a chrome R2 nut

When are the orders coming in anyays?
emailed them about all our concerns, waiting for reply. anymore concerns please post here, so we all can find out more, just in case.

I hope they have both top and bottom mount, mine is top mount.
Dude, they have the top mounted and bottom mounted nuts.
Its on the webpage you linked.

Bottom Mounted
FGR-1 (1 5/8")
GHL-1 (1 11/16")

Top Mounted
FGR-2 (1 5/8")
GHL-2 (1 11/16")
juz a couple of qns

im quite a dick at reading the diagrams, but wads e diameter for the studs and the other part that goes into the body

and oso, the trem arm, how does it work, like e ofr with e sickening collar or its pop-in, if its pop in, den how tight is it, can get tons of flutter?

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