looking for unqiue pickups and pickguard


New member
I'm getting tired of dimarzio and seymour duncan. Looking for something that sounds better or exotic. Besides, kinman, bareKnuckles anyone has any other brand to share???

How about pickguards and knobs? anyone found anything interesting?

try EMG. for pickguards, if u're talking about RG guitars, try the ones available at pickguard paradise (google it).
There's tons to choose from. The Kinmans are reputed to be awesome. EMG makes the most popular active pickups. The VanZandt pickups are really awesome - the kind of tone they can deliver on a standard strat is way better than anything in that range, except probably the kinmans. The bare knuckles are also worth considering.

All who have purchased are extremely pleased. Check out the Viper, Hellion, Helix and Scorpion. Good time to buy now, cheap. Search SOFT for a lot of reviews.

Pickguards, can google for this website, pickguard paradise.
plenty of pickups. go down the boutique road theres bardens, suhr, lollar, WCR, fralins, evans, wolfetone, van zandt, anderson. plenty more out there but these are the more popular ones.

kinmans have a different vibe from the usual bunch. rather than have a vintage tone like what most boutique pickup makers are doing, kinmans have this really hi fi kinda sound to it. some may like it others may not. totally different from a vintage pickup though it claims to be vintage.

ive got the suhr single coils too. very clean and chimey and even under high gain retains that classic hollow and quacky sound. humbuckers just check the site for reference as theres a demo video done by nick sterling. wouldnt say its very vintage sounding as it seems to take on single coil characteristics.

emg 85 is very nice on drive settings but the clean doesnt really appeal to me in my opinion. but it doesnt sound like the usual pickups u have on the market. might fit the bill for exotic

but IMO if ure looking for something exotic i feel the amp u get plays a bigger part in the tone shaping than pickups. even wood plays a bigger part for me in the tone equation than pickups. but to hit the nail on the head the first thing u could do is to look into the main source of sound which is the amp.
ic ic...Singapore is really limited. btw, just curious what other stuff you guys hope to see Singapore shop sells? i hope they bring in more choice for guitars, accessories, guitar books :lol:
Gotta look outside...

Singapore is limited only because of limited demand and besides, its so easy to ship overseas nowadays.
I was running thro a few of my guitars few days ago.

guess what?

Bill Lawrence still sounds the best and surprisingly... the loudest.

It was pitched against Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio and GFS,

amazing pickups. L450 + L290TLE
yes and you'll have to wait a million years for it as well! hur hur hur...

though shredcow got a reply from them already which show signs of improvement.
edder said:
yes and you'll have to wait a million years for it as well! hur hur hur...

though shredcow got a reply from them already which show signs of improvement.

Guess what.

I already got my B L singles and Q Filter. :D
I got it 1 week ago.


I ordered 2 x L200s ... but I got that AND an additional L290 bridge.


I dunno. :lol:

I paid for 2 pups, i get 3... have emailed Becky already, waiting her reply on what to do...

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