Dear Hydrofly and gang
SO i guess you also want a choice to choose what time you want to go to school? How about the choice to attend classes or not?Well, some kids swear that they can study better at home at their own pace and hey waking up early in the morning spoils their mood to study.All schools have rules, and rules are rules. Some make sense to different people, some don't.
Why don't you all stop wasting time on this ridiculous agenda and worry about your studies first. When you are older and "richer" , you can do whatever the hell you want with your hair, your socks, your what-nots ,and nobody will give a damn. These are your formative/impressionable years and it is just a temporary phase. Soon you'll finish army, and then you'll start working or studying overseas and realise how fast the years have passed.Bear and Live with it and go through it like every other 17 year old rebel before you.If you think migrating is the option, do it, I respect your choice. However, Stop banging on the drums of arrogance as you talk about migrating though. It insults people like me who have served NS, Reservist, pay taxes, and put up with all sorts of crap from the gahmen.Different people have differing opinions so it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. You think you are special because you are gifted and can bring your talent elsewhere, I say bon voyage.
One thing I don't get, you have always said you wanted to leave this country, so why bother trying to petition for this? You are going to the army next year.It can't be because you are thinking of others because I read somewhere in this thread that you mentioned about other people as being rungs in your ladder so you need to know how to "step" on them to get to the top? So what gives?Are you trying to enlighten them about your eloquent argumentative skills or about their "rights"?
I used to keep long hair when I was 18, and in this climate, it was nuts just for the sake of making a statement. Thank the Lord I had to cut my hair short in Army(1998) and Ive been short-cropped ever since till today.