Long hair for school going guys petition

In no way did i contradict myself, i did not take an absolute stand, i was just merely exploring other perspectives.

and even so,
Just because you support X, doesnt mean that you cannot put yourself in the shoes of Y.

Hydrofly has justified his arguments very narrowly.
Weber did believe that a rational debate is impossible. It's a little extremist, but it is somewhat true in some situations in my opinion. Habermas said communicative rationality was possible, but there had to be facts (in this case, we've only got values and beliefs), a common frame of reference (tick), and sincerity (half a tick?). So yea, sure, both views/perspectives can exist, but I doubt either party's going to convince the other anytime soon.
My horizons are more than broad enough, I read confucius' analects as a child, I failed to understand it. I read them again as I entered secondary school, I failed to understand it. I read it again as I entered Junior College, then I saw the light, it is but a tool with which to control people with.

Your thoughts are mind-boggling to a certain extent... Do you know who you remind me of? You remind me vaguely of... Hitler and his antisemitism.

The way you push other perspectives away and the way you rationalize your views...

Also, to claim that your horizons are more than broad enough, I believe you might need to re-think a little about that.
I'm 17, and I recognise I'm blind enough to be unable to comprehend every single damn thing. By your perspective that argumentative essays should quash all possible opposition, I deduce that you do not have a broad enough horizon to consider the views of others. It comes off as extremist and slightly dents your credibility.
So is this thread really about long hair? Doesn't seem to me that anyone cares about the hair anymore. Forget the hair, from what you all have been arguing about - hair is obviously not the main issue at hand. Isn't this exactly why we won't survive anyway if we're given too much freedom to think and choose? Seems like we can't keep our minds focused on something eh.

It just looks like people throwing their ego and pride around because you're right and everyone else is wrong...
Okay okay everyone lighten up (can't believe no one replied me after so many minutes, it's scary), go read up how "how to destroy your high school in seven days" - it's a nice true story all you anarchists here will enjoy..
I do believe in anarchy, by the way. But when I mean anarchy, I don't mean chaos.

Hmm, just forget about the whole issue. The petition will never get through. If you want to change the system, get into the system. Simple. Problem solved. Tada.
You know external influences are never gonna work. Besides, we're the young ones, the future's in our hands. We get to decide in the future! Subvert the system!
Of all the issues in the world - why do we make such a big fuss about having long hair?What is the motive & purpose of keeping the long hair ? Will it give us more health, help us think better? More likely than not - having long hair is just to have sense of individuality, style and perhpas feed our own ego.

I do agree that Singaporeans are being conditioned by the government. However I think the petition to having long hair is ridiculous. First and foremost - the person can't even convince me of a good reason why we should keep long hair. This has not got to do anything with becoming a better person, helping the economy, strengthening the social fabric, enhancing knowledge, etc. IMHO, the petition is a self centered petition - which does not bring any benift to the society at large.

It's a petition that says - "Hey I want long hair cause I look good in it. Why can't I have long hair? Since I can't have long hair - I am being oppressed by the government!!" The logic is flawed and the mentality childish at best. One needs to remember when one is at a certain place - one needs to follow the rules of that place. No one boards a plane with knives in his pocket.

So what if long hair is allowed in schools? Does this help Singapore? Simple - the answer is no. While the idea to fight for one's freedom is to be applauded - the subject used pretty much nullifies it.

To me - this is much ado about nothing. If you want to take up a cause - take up a worthy cause - then you will have my support. There are so many causes to take up - this cause is an embarassment.

Note : Yes - I've had long hair before. No big deal - now I have reverted to short hair.
anarchy is the state of absolute freedom. However, due to irresponsible people who do not know the meaning of responsibility, such a state is virtually impossible, just like the impossibility of true communism.

do you take this guy seriously?

he gatsby la that guy, how to not use hairspray and make ur hair stand liddat?
anarchy is the state of absolute freedom.

That's not totally true and there are, in fact, many forms of anarchy.

C'mon, forget about the long hair. We will never be able to do anything now. When we're grown up and all, let's then challenge the system! We shall challenge more substantial issues then! Interested SOFTies can then form an opposition party. :D
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Hmmm.... dont have time to read thru all this.

But what d'you think if theres a petition for all school going kids to shave their head bald instead? No hair.
Go for the bald look. Wonder what the authorities would think. Now, wouldnt that be something.

BTW, I'm for freedom of choice.
(and long hair too ...heh)
I think some of you guys are not getting the point of the petition. It's not demanding for EVERYONE to have long hair. It's demanding for the CHOICE to keep your hair long.
Dear Hydrofly and gang

SO i guess you also want a choice to choose what time you want to go to school? How about the choice to attend classes or not?Well, some kids swear that they can study better at home at their own pace and hey waking up early in the morning spoils their mood to study.All schools have rules, and rules are rules. Some make sense to different people, some don't.

Why don't you all stop wasting time on this ridiculous agenda and worry about your studies first. When you are older and "richer" , you can do whatever the hell you want with your hair, your socks, your what-nots ,and nobody will give a damn. These are your formative/impressionable years and it is just a temporary phase. Soon you'll finish army, and then you'll start working or studying overseas and realise how fast the years have passed.Bear and Live with it and go through it like every other 17 year old rebel before you.If you think migrating is the option, do it, I respect your choice. However, Stop banging on the drums of arrogance as you talk about migrating though. It insults people like me who have served NS, Reservist, pay taxes, and put up with all sorts of crap from the gahmen.Different people have differing opinions so it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. You think you are special because you are gifted and can bring your talent elsewhere, I say bon voyage.

One thing I don't get, you have always said you wanted to leave this country, so why bother trying to petition for this? You are going to the army next year.It can't be because you are thinking of others because I read somewhere in this thread that you mentioned about other people as being rungs in your ladder so you need to know how to "step" on them to get to the top? So what gives?Are you trying to enlighten them about your eloquent argumentative skills or about their "rights"?



I used to keep long hair when I was 18, and in this climate, it was nuts just for the sake of making a statement. Thank the Lord I had to cut my hair short in Army(1998) and Ive been short-cropped ever since till today.