Long hair for school going guys petition

For about 18 years, I survived with long hair and the occasional cut. Yea, the weather's hot, but it's not extremely unbearable. Haha.

And now that I've moved to Melbourne, I need my long hair. -shifty eyes- Bloody winter...
we = singaporeans

even if we are done with school, we still have to get our head clean shaven when we go into the army.

Unless for some cases (e.g direct intake for clerks) , but still we have to keep our hair short.
apart from that , when we get out to work in a proper firm not many will accept long hair.

anyway i just love this guy.(he didn't give a shit about having long hair, the society just had to accept him AHAH, no petitions needed , all by himself)

[Japanese Ex-Prime minister Junichiro Koizumi] quite a rockstar for a minister yeaaa

check out his hairrrr wooo

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I see a lot of guys complaining about the weather in sg as support to cut their hair short. So what about our female counterparts? don't they feel temperature too?

They smell nice, all the time. We, on the other hand, are not so blessed. Enough said. :-D
I see a lot of guys complaining about the weather in sg as support to cut their hair short. So what about our female counterparts? don't they feel temperature too?

They compensate their temperature problem with the wadrobe that they are wearing or should I say the lack of it... :mrgreen:
"Culturally, long hair—particularly amongst men—typically signals the individual's separation from structures and rules,"

- Synnott, Anthony. "Shame and Glory: A Sociology of Hair." The British Journal of Sociology 1987-09 38.3 pgs. 381-413

"For example, one passage in the New Testament of Christianity considers long hair shameful for men, while encouraging it for women."
- KJV 1 Corinthian 11. 14-15


And oh, I just found it interesting.
long hair can go to school mei? In my poly, long hair be caught will be force to cut and second time will be published.
People can debate this time after time after time after time. My take is this:

Singapore is a very business-centred place. Almost everybody here wants to become a professional, be it a doctor, lawyer, corporate executive, etc. In these professions, it has been utmost to be good at personal grooming, and that involves keeping short, neat hair for the guys, among other things. I don't know about others, but i've been to the US and Australia a couple of times, and never once have i seen any suit-wearing corporate executive sporting long, flowing locks. Those things, in our culture at least, are relegated to either the rockstars, the rebels or the gangsters. I'm sorry if i offended anyone here, but that's from what i see in our Singaporean culture today. I'm sure not many will argue against gangsters mainly sporting long or bizarre hairdos though. Anyway, the drive to these professions is school. Hence, if the schools don't start teaching personal grooming from young, when these people grow up and eventually do become professionals (assuming they attend school for this reason), will they be able to adjust to keeping short hair? Or will this argument, this time only pertaining to the workplace, crop up again? It could also be about discipline, though i'm not sure how it applies.

I'm sure many people will disagree, and even venture to call me a 'perfect example of the product that MOE schools want to churn out: the brainwashed, authority-following machine'. Let me clarify, i am not against long hair, but this is the reason i believe MOE and the government have for making a short, neat hairstyle compulsory. I like short hair, it keeps my head cool and reduces the need for styling (yes i am a lazy bastard).

Cheers all!
i got long hair ever since i finish NS and lucky enuff i am able to keep my locks, coz i got kena pes F. dun ask me why pes F, its a long story. how log is my hair its almost reaching my wasit and i am in snr management.

but i see CEO and COO or even VC's having long hair, they do tied it up neatly and at times when we go for beer they let their hair down some even go tattoo and earn in exces of 200-250k a year.

the argument abt short hair in schools in Singapore. i tend to agree keep the kids hair short. they need to learn discipline before able to sport long hair, and sg schools are doing great in instilling discipline in schools and even better in NS, even tho now the standard drop a bit! Too much welfare.

so i say NO to long hair for school going boys. my son definitely going to have short hair until he finish his NS and has a stable career and are able to support and manage his own families.
lordie, how old is your son now? My parents are the ones who always complain about my slightly long hair. But my wife loves it! Ha..haa..

But Singapore's temperature is indeed very hot to have long hair.

I like your views alot. I spoke to this Swedish businessman before the F1 race at Durty Nelly's and he had really long blonde hair tied up very neatly. He looks alot like Derek Trucks thats why I was interested to talk to him in the first place. But yes he's in upper management, travels alot, and he looks very very sharp and smart. Maybe he's just ang moh so... Oh well..
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You missed out the artistic people around us. By the way, i ve seen the most vicious and dangerous gangsters always sporting NS hair-style.
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hair style is moderately indicative of personality.

But still its possible for a guy with the geekiest haircut to be the baddest guy on earth, or someone who has most evil looking haircut to be the nicest guy on earth.

Well presently, there is a rather negative stereotype of people with radical, unconventional hairstyles, not just in Singapore, but in many other asian and western cultures as well.
If you dont want to disadvantage yourself unnecessary because of these stereotypes, well then dont have long hair or radical hairdos.

Whats theres to lose anyway?

well to me.. the biggest pro of having short hair = less time to comb/style your hair = can a little wake up later to go for school/work = more time to sleep

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