Long hair for school going guys petition

"Culturally, long hair—particularly amongst men—typically signals the individual's separation from structures and rules,"

- Synnott, Anthony. "Shame and Glory: A Sociology of Hair." The British Journal of Sociology 1987-09 38.3 pgs. 381-413

"For example, one passage in the New Testament of Christianity considers long hair shameful for men, while encouraging it for women."
- KJV 1 Corinthian 11. 14-15


And oh, I just found it interesting.
Long hair and untidiness(unpresentable hairstyles) are two separate issue, i guess the school rules should be changed to punish students who have sloppy-looking hair.
Yea, what shredrat said makes sense. There're chicks with long hair who look very very unpresentable as well. I've seen some, and yea, just doesn't make sense why they penalise boys for doing it, but don't for girls.
Without considering the rationale of the rule, arguments wouldn't be sufficiently substantiated. So if the short hair rule is imposed to keep hair tidy, then the suggestion is appropriate. If the school authorities are unable to tell us why there is such a rule, then it should be reviewed.

I'd say gender stereotypes come into play too. Girls are somehow inherently 'neater'. Somehow.
"Culturally, long hair—particularly amongst men—typically signals the individual's separation from structures and rules,"

- Synnott, Anthony. "Shame and Glory: A Sociology of Hair." The British Journal of Sociology 1987-09 38.3 pgs. 381-413

"For example, one passage in the New Testament of Christianity considers long hair shameful for men, while encouraging it for women."
- KJV 1 Corinthian 11. 14-15


And oh, I just found it interesting.

Yea arguments like this are FUN!

Hmm, 1987, is that not a little outdated? At that time, the Apple Lisa which had a simple GUI was considered state of the art, we must also understand the context in which that journal was written, it was written at a time when hippies were making themselves a nuisance and peddling drugs across the world chasing pink flying elephants.

The bible is not a good place to quote from, because very little in there can be scientifically verified to be true.

^ to above post... Umm, I think I just countered the argument of neatness on page one.
I'd say gender stereotypes come into play too. Girls are somehow inherently 'neater'. Somehow.

At the rate guys are going with their time in the bathroom and skinny legs (the jeans, not the actual legs...), and their combs, I reckon guys are quickly catching up on the "girl-tidy" stereotype. Probably surpassing quite a number of girls (me included I reckon). Haha.
The bible is not a good place to quote from, because very little in there can be scientifically verified to be true.

Thats not the case, you should explore more on how many things have been scientifically proven, rather than keep focusing on how many things has NOT been proven. And oh, not just talking about christianity, other religions as well.

But then again, keep this thread on topic.
"Western liberal ideas were blamed for social problems such as crime, corruption and pornography. Even people with long hair were ridiculed."

Then again, it was from the 1980s.

I honestly think that was the result of the baby boomers coming of age and being disillusioned by the failings of the vietnam war among other things...

edit: flawed argument.
Just wanna add in my 2 cents worth...

The fact remains that deciding how one's own hairstyle should be is one's personal choice. It's an outward expression of ourselves on what he/she feels is best suited for himself/herself. By supressing that and having an institution dictate how we should express ourselves, it leads to a slippery slope whereby a person in authority can not only decide on what hairstyle is acceptable, but maybe even what bodyshape is acceptable, what colour of skin is acceptable.. etc. If we can accept diversity in race, language and religion.. why can't we accept diversity in hairstyles?

Undoubtedly this issue on hair lengths is not as major as say for example decreeing how many blacks can be in a bus at one time or not allowing the Chinese culture to be expressed in public (as was the case in Indonesia under Suharto's rule) but it really sends a message that if I can control even a small issue like hair length.. why can't I control bigger things like their physical attributes (eg.footbinding), their minds (eg.brainwashing) or even their souls? (this is of course an extreme and based on assumptions, but it does seem plausible).

Of course, some may bring in the "army argument" of why then shouldn't we let army boys leave long hair. This however is a totally different playing field as I heard (don't know if its true) that soldiers in the past would creep up behind enemies, pull their hair back to expose their necks and slit their throats. Hence, it is justified in this sense that in order to reduce the risk of this kind of attack that soldiers should keep short hair. However in a school setting, students aren't in danger of having their throats cut, we aren't harming anyone or depriving anyone of anything by leaving long hair, if we give off a bad impression to people it just shows how narrow-minded society is. Guys who choose to leave long hair are choosing to undertake this mantle of being "black-labelled" and it is purely their business. Who are we to poke our noses into others' businesses?

Some may object and say that imposing standards on hair lengths is to project a good, professional image and it will give others a good impression of ourselves. I agree that this stereotype exists albeit a bad one. We often say "Do not judge a book by its cover" but how often do we see it played out in society? Does having short hair guarantee us a job? Does having long hair prevent us from getting a job? The fact remains that a stereotype exists and like it or not, it holds true and is prominent in our society. Whether it changes or not will depend on when society gets "enlightened" and becomes more accomodating.

Going against the flow and being a rebel may not be the best way to achieve our goals of having a stereotype-free society as it merely serves to fuel the stereotype that "long hair=messy=bad boy". Yes, it is true that throughout history we see great men like Albert Einstein, Rene Descartes, Leonardo Da Vinci, Qin Shi Huang and even Jesus Christ himself having long hair. It is interesting however, to note though that it was acceptable in their society at that point of time. Hence we need to ask ourselves.. is having long hair an acceptable image in our society? It is undoubtedly a bad stereotype that guys should have short hair but sometimes conformity is the only way we can progress in this society we live in.

Thus, we need to step back and take a look at both sides of the issue. I myself detest the rule that guys have to have short hair in schools as my opinion is that this rule is flawed and totally unjustified. Although the stereotype of having short hair=presentable exists strongly in our society, it is in reality a flawed perspective and the very fact that it is a perspective and point-of-view shows that it is not a fact that is tested and true and resounds universally..

However, having said that, we need to understand that rules are rules and (yes I know that this one in particular is flawed) conformity can make life a whole lot easier as it opens up opportunities. (it's true, no denying this fact) Therefore, it is again back to the whole root of this discussion, our freedom of choice and our freedom of expression. If we choose to express ourselves by leaving long hair, that's our choice and ours alone and we live through the consequences of it. No one should be allowed to dictate on the choices we make but then again if these rules can make our lives easier... would u choose to accept it? Or would you stand and fight for something you believe in?

*I thank you for your taking of time to read through my lengthy post... heh
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Very good read. I guess the main problem with this topic is that I have absolutely no wish to keep long hair. I'd like my hair short thanks, which leads to the average apathetic person; "It doesn't affect me, why should I care?"

In fact, authority doesn't even have to be the one who could restrict individual freedom. Using a completely unrelated example, somehow or another, mass media has convinced us that 'thin is beautiful', leading to the deaths of several models due to the need to stay 'thin'.

Prejudices are difficult to avoid, and some are just too damn deep rooted to change in the next five years. Like how certain people are still racists (US Elections). And freedom needs to be tempered by responsibility, to assure that it will not be abused and taken away.

EDIT: Pardon for my random ramblings. I don't think I've been thinking very well.
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A few things I'd like to add:

1. It will be nearly impossible to convince our education system to allow boys in public schools to grow long hair (Sikhs notwithstanding). Good luck trying.

2. People will judge you on your appearance whether you like it or not. If you don't get a job because you have long hair, you have to choose what is more important to you- your self-expression, or your chosen job. Some people do choose the former.

3. Don't whine about the consequences. They're clear-cut, and you can find out what they are before you make any decisions. If you do this, you're not going to be particularly impressive.

4. When it comes to personal liberties, there always needs to be a balance between self and community. If you give everybody absolute freedom, it will be anarchy. The opposite isn't very desirable either.

It's not easy to change cultural norms about how much personal liberty each individual should be allocated, because these tend to be indoctrinated into people over decades.

If you really aren't happy with the amount of personal liberty you have, the best thing for you to do would be to move somewhere where you are.
sup.agreed. it would take a miracle and island-wide fuss if the allowance thingy really does take place.(not just a petiton,that's a pretty naive method.) but one does have the choice to move elsewhere though...
if u guys want long hair and have that 'fierce look', then be brave enough to rebel the rules man..

NS and long hair dont get along well man...there are many reasons for it. i wont name any, use ur imaginations.