Liverpool FC Thread

Aiyoh....suddenly so many Manure fans here.....macam mass orgy! You Manures actually LOVE Liverpool right? C'mon, if you love Liverpool, just admit it. Fgl is already a proud member of L.S.A.C. Join up's free! :D

L.S.A.C. = Liverpool's Secret Admirers Club
other clubs achievement are nothing to me (their business), and I do not have to put down other clubs to make my club "big"

as long Liverpool keeps winning, even it is one game I am happy, honest.

even it is a 1-0 against league one team club I am happy.
People say pre-season banter is normal. Rivalry between top teams is normal.
But who is it that draws the line? What would be offensive, and what would be a joke? Who is it that says enough is enough?

You all can talk all you want, for it's the internet, just that soft isn't too much on the whole freedom of speech thing. Maybe after typing out something to put something or someone down, you feel better, you feel more secured, or maybe you won't. Maybe you're doing it out of being bored, I wouldn't know as well.

I've read a few posts here and there, if fgl can use words such as pathetic, and so much more against liverpool, I find it funny how he over-reacts when he gets called lame, different thresholds maybe? It is but just one example. Would we be stoned and get chased by an angry mob if we were to do the same to other threads?

Why did you support this or that particular club? Is it all in the love of football? Because that club has that oh-so cute guy I'd love to marry? For glory? I'm sure everyone has their reasons so, then again who are we to put others down for supporting the other club? Wouldn't it be prejudice? Bordering on fascism? Did we ever start supporting the club because of the hatred we bear against some other one?

Again you say it is but normal, but I've seen as many personal insults thrown around like on the Jerry Springer show. Maybe not your threshold of tolerance, I presume? What is with the bandwadgon hopping? If one raises a pitch fork, I would join the mob regardless of being right or wrong, because I'll never go wrong where the crowd is?

Maybe you think you are a huge fan of any club, but are you really a fan if all you do is pay for SCV and buy their jerseys? Did you grow up watching the teams with a season ticket you slaved all summer for? Did you hitch hike miles and miles just to catch the away game? Or maybe by simply researching and gathering knowledge alot about the club, putting others down, simply makes you a true fan?

Maybe this wall of text is nothing but gibberish, perhaps I just got up and am half-asleep, very probable. To Liverpool, to the next season, and ultimately, to football, the game we all love.

Peace out'yo.
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Well, I have to agree with plastic on some points. What is a joke and what is not? I'm not pin pointing anyone in particular though. Just this forum in general. When is a joke, just a joke, and when does it cross the line? I can call someone's mom a b***ch and then say "it's a joke la", all in the name of fun. Many times, people use "just joking" to cover up, and in actual fact, they do mean it. Anyway, I love Liverpool and I don't care what others say.

Did you guys read the article about Electrico bashing Liverpool fans on The New Paper today? I don't care what anyone else thinks, but I think what they're saying is just a load of bullcrap. They even have a pic of them "tearing up" a Liverpool jersey.
+ (insert biggest possible number) to plastic's post.

dude, that is exactly how i feel although im guilty of bombing the manutd thread once in a blue moon with nonsense like "manure sucks" and all.
but kudos to you, finally someone speaks up, i always wanted to voice the exact opinions you have in the above post but was always too lazy and im not that good with words and etc.
you my fellow kopite, is a true liverpool and football fan.
its people like you that makes me love football, the passion and all.

my grandfather supported celtic fc as a kid, i grew up under the hearing names like McGory, Lisbon Lions, John Stein etc etc. he told me how mad and passionate the celtic players and fans were, even if the team is like losing 7-0 they would still go for every ball and the fans would cheer them on and all, i chose liverpool because they were exactly like that. not because they have a superstar football player, not because there's a hot guy in the club, not because they're winning all the time.

that's what football is all about imho.
just my 10 cents worth, cheers.
Well, I have to agree with plastic on some points. What is a joke and what is not? I'm not pin pointing anyone in particular though. Just this forum in general. When is a joke, just a joke, and when does it cross the line? I can call someone's mom a b***ch and then say "it's a joke la", all in the name of fun. Many times, people use "just joking" to cover up, and in actual fact, they do mean it. Anyway, I love Liverpool and I don't care what others say.

Did you guys read the article about Electrico bashing Liverpool fans on The New Paper today? I don't care what anyone else thinks, but I think what they're saying is just a load of bullcrap. They even have a pic of them "tearing up" a Liverpool jersey.

From what i've seen in The New Paper, with Electrico being lame and bashing liverpool fans and all sorts of rubbish, i have just lost my respect for them as local musicians as well as fellow Singaporeans as we all know that Liverpool was the only thing on the supporters minds.Definitely not the Singapore National Team. If the National team had performed well,we would have supported them too. But all we got from our own players was a lackluster performance. Hell, I was even excited by Sharil Ishak when he had a chance to score but his weak shot just proves to us that our national team isn't up to standard. So enough of the no national anthem bullshit, the singapore players have just shown us that they were sore losers with weak mentality.

P.S. Electrico's new song sucked big time. Overrated band. Period.
Yup, enough of the no national anthem rants. Besides, how is not playing the national anthem our (Liverpool fans) fault? We don't have control over whether it's being played or not. Neither is it Liverpool's fault. Why show a photo of electrico defiling a Liverpool jersey? What did Liverpool do wrong? Nothing!
Plastic: for the record - I never called pool anything - I just mentioned about their "results" in pre season ...

Ppl wanna call me lame or say I man u convert - its no sweat off my back ... I can be bothered let alone overact???
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DO they really know? Isn't this photo uncalled for?