Liverpool FC Thread

Rafa need to be realistic as well.
18 mil pounds for a player who worth 4 mil a season ago is not realistic!!!

Think Masch worth that much when we bought him!!

Attacking wise, he is better than Arbeloa but defensively, they are the same ... not that good.

The only reason he worth that much of $ is because
1) He's English.
2) One of the top four teams are buying him.

If bottom team were to bid for him, Pompey would be happy to received a 6 - 8 million bid!
It seems that Cheatsea knows that, with that kind of $$, they can get better players that's why they did not match Liverpool bid.
It seems that David Villa are only interested to play for Liverpool if he ever decide to grace BPL with his skills.

Manures, Shitty and Cheatsea doesn't impress him.
Glad to know that a world class footballer knows where loyal supporters are :mrgreen:.

BUT Rafa do not have the dough to splash on him. IF those yankees decide to sell Liverpool and Rafa have the dough to bring him in ... just imagine - Torres + Villa upfront!!
Well, for 18 million, probably 8 is deducted from the money pompey owe, left with 10, selling of Doessena and Arbeloa?

Looks like most of the english teams are quiet, looking at Madrid buy everyone.
18 million for Glen Johnson? seriously though I would rather than donate to charities, he is no Dani Alves. Steve Finnan is quite realistic, he is still playing football, I seriously do not know why Rafa sells him, clearly he prefers spanish players even though they are lousier. Remember Morientes, if anyone remember him at all, he almost starts every game even though to me he is a complete disaster. In my opinion crouch is not a flop, but clearly Rafa prefers to put Spanish players. But not all spanish players are flop, though, Torres, Alonso are good buy. I dont blame him though, if I manage Liverpool, I would also buy Fandi Ahmad.
18 million for Glen Johnson? seriously though I would rather than donate to charities, he is no Dani Alves. Steve Finnan is quite realistic, he is still playing football, I seriously do not know why Rafa sells him, clearly he prefers spanish players even though they are lousier. Remember Morientes, if anyone remember him at all, he almost starts every game even though to me he is a complete disaster. In my opinion crouch is not a flop, but clearly Rafa prefers to put Spanish players. But not all spanish players are flop, though, Torres, Alonso are good buy. I dont blame him though, if I manage Liverpool, I would also buy Fandi Ahmad.

Rafa has mentioned a few times that he buys players who are value for money and not because they're Spanish. If it's really true about Johnson then he may be more willing now to splash to get what the team needs for the title. I don't think Reina with 3 consecutive golden gloves or Luis Garcia are flops. It was widely recognised that Morientes was a good buy but for some reason he could not adapt...if it's Rafa's fault then it's safe to say that many of the other managers are wrong too.

Although Morientes did not score as much as we liked I believe we should consider the positions he got to that helped the team to score...a bit unsung so far. Sometimes what we watched on the screen does not show what happens off the ball. I'd watched Luis Garcia come on as a sub and off the camera he was making great diagonal runs that everyone in the stadium was applauding. His runs dragged 2 defenders out of position to give space for Stevie to score. So sometimes it's hard for us to see this watching at home.
I watched Liverpool every of their 90 mins match, actually apart from some moment of brilliance, he is quite lightweight to say the least, quite inconsistent which differs from the hype what he was brought in. I guess he is much more suited to the more 'technical' spanish leagues.

I see your point. But sometimes I cant help but think that he is bias, not saying it is wrong. For example, in my very honest opinion, Riise fares better than Aurelio in terms of contribution, I believe he does no want to leave, but in the end, he still favours Aurelio instead of Riise. He started Riera almost every game, I watched Riera play everytime, but he is quite dissapointing in link-up plays, although like I say apart from some moment of brilliance, actually quite in-consistent, although there is always the next season.
18 million for Glen Johnson? seriously though I would rather than donate to charities, he is no Dani Alves. Steve Finnan is quite realistic, he is still playing football, I seriously do not know why Rafa sells him, clearly he prefers spanish players even though they are lousier. Remember Morientes, if anyone remember him at all, he almost starts every game even though to me he is a complete disaster. In my opinion crouch is not a flop, but clearly Rafa prefers to put Spanish players. But not all spanish players are flop, though, Torres, Alonso are good buy. I dont blame him though, if I manage Liverpool, I would also buy Fandi Ahmad.

How old is he? Spanish only? I wouldn't think so.

Riera has been an amazing buy this season! From what I've seen his contributions really gave an edge to liverpool's wing play.

Anyway, what Benitez does with the money is his problem. He is the manger, not us. He knows what's best for liverpool, he's the only monitoring the situation, the one who takes the players and trains them. All we can do is be hopeful, Glenn Johnson is very young, and has recently been selected as the right back of the England squad, I mean Benitez isn't stupid, if he sees potential then he'll go for it.
We're so close to the title, a little more push and improvement while retaining our players would be vital next season.
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I get what you mean, though part of me tells me he might end up like keane. 18 million is a lot of money, a very big risk for someone who has not proved himself at top club.

I am not angry and not saying anything wrong on Rafa's selection, just opinions of my observations. I think it is just natural, remember Mourinho power-team? Although in my opinion the weak link is fererra, he prefers to play him everytime, which I think is quite clear in reason, another is even Gallas is in top form, he prefers Cavalho. I am just stating down my observation, not ethic issues.
Why did Keane end up like that? Cause it wasn't Benitez who wanted him in the team.

Heh, now 18 million seems peanuts compared to what other clubs are spending.
I can't agree with what Rafa did with the $ is his problem.
$$ don't fall from sky and if a manager made a bad decision in buying players, that will only add onto our owed $ to banks ... and if this continues ... Leeds is the perfect example.

Rafa has sign a couple of duds player in his 5 years with Liverpool, but their fees are not high.

Remember that players, managers come and go, true supporters will be with the team even though they are not doing well. Unless if you are a glory hunter, than you won't be worried at how much your team spends as long the club win a trophy at the end of the season.

Liverpool are not rich unlike Manures, Cheatsea, Shitty, that's why we can't go and bid for Kaka, Ribery cos only rich club can do that. Even if Rafa wants to bring in Villa, he has to make sacrifice ie sell players.
Wonder why Man Utd is 500 million in debt they can bid for loads of costly players? It is simple.

American bankers works in this ways, the more money they owe, the more money they make, which is given by the Federal system, watch 'zeitgeist', a movie.

This might explain why they choose American 'debt-ers', instead of securing deals with rich Arab oil owners.
I think it also cos of manures as brand name and their success in bpl.
Their commercial departments work smart unlike LFC our brand is like ... nothing :(.

They can go to bank and tell them they can generate this much per season cos of strong branding/glory hunters buying their stuff :mrgreen: so banks knows that they won't kaput like Leeds.

Remember their shirt sponsors willing to pay MORE than any of their previous sponsors even at this time. Good marketing? Brilliant business plan from manures management? Whatever the reasons, they are doing their job right!
Chelsea match Liverpool's £17.5m bid for Johnson

Portsmouth executive chairman Peter Storrie has confirmed Chelsea have matched Liverpool's £17.5m bid for England defender Glen Johnson.

Want-away Tevez rules out move to Anfield

Carlos Tevez has reportedly ruled out a summer move to Liverpool, according to sources at Sky Sports News.

With these latest news, hopefully Rafa can shift his attention to other players.



David Moores has resigned from the Club's Board of Directors.
Mr Moores will, however, retain his position as Club Honorary Life President.
Every manager signs duds lah dioswkg. Even Wenger who is so good at spotting talent signed Cristopher Wreh. Some players have the potential but may not be able to adapt to a particular environment like Forlan, Josemi, Shevchenko...the list goes on.

I agree tha Rafa has to be more careful than richer clubs when buying as we have less margin for error, don't worry lah he'll get it right. As long as I know he is knowing of the Liverpool way and he continues with the commitment he's shown we'll be fine. I was one of the 'what the?!' people when he bought Crouch but I'm really glad to be wrong.
Yup every manager signs duds. Some sign more duds than others. Some sign expensive duds again and again.

I'm not concern about other managers signing duds cos I'll be :mrgreen: when that happens.

Over the years, we have been signing duds cos we don't have the dough to splash out on quality players ... only able to do that after the yankees took over. Sad but true. Don't think we will see the likes of Masch and Torres in the reds jersey without the $ that the yankees borrowed from banks :mrgreen:.

Yes when we were linked to Crouch, I was like "WTF?!" but that skinny dude won me over in no time. It's a pity we sell him and bring in Keane. No one really expect Keane to turn out to be a dud!!! And on top of that, we sold him in mid season and for him to score against us thus stopping Reina from achieving his 4th straight years as the top keeper in BPL!!!!! WTF!!!!

It also seems that 2 of our best midfielders are linked with Barca and Real. Won't be surprise if they leave the reds for those clubs cos both players have beef with Rafa.
Crouch is one of my favourite player.

My favourite moment was his hat trick against Arsenal.

As well as his occasional overhead kick.