Les Paul Mods

I find my edwards a bit too bright actually...dosent help that it has a bone nut that actually increases top end although I think the main culprit here are the duncans especially the JB. Its thin and piercing to the extent of being painful.

I concur... My old Edwards was also like that. I didn't like the JB that much. It was very stiff sounding. I should have kept the guitar and dumped antiquities in there...:twisted:
I tried a few Edwards LPs before, and I also find them a little bright. I'm guessing the brightness could be due to the weight (?), cos Edwards LPs are usually very light. Maybe a darker sounding pickup would help...like the Bare Knuckle "Black Dog"...hehe. :)
wow, i was planning to get a JB n Jazz combo in my LP. now that i hear about the JB, i had to agree. the last time i played my friend's guitar with JB, it sound quite too bright for my liking.

any recommendations for pickups? Wouldnt expect something too awesome, just a versatile combo with low to mid outputs. Would like one with thick sound too.
wow, i was planning to get a JB n Jazz combo in my LP. now that i hear about the JB, i had to agree. the last time i played my friend's guitar with JB, it sound quite too bright for my liking.

any recommendations for pickups? Wouldnt expect something too awesome, just a versatile combo with low to mid outputs. Would like one with thick sound too.

check these out: http://www.manliusguitar.com/

Just ordered a set for myself.... pretty authentic paf sound, customised to your specs, not too expensive.
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But wait, I feel dropping Custom Shop stuff into my MIK Custom is not gonna make much out of it. Say I stick to a budget, hardware/pickups/manpower/fret work etc, would $200SGD breathe life into my unplayed for 4 years Epiphone?
if i got 200sgd for an upgrade for lp that has been left alone for 4 years, I will just spend it on setting UP the instrument, fret dressing if necessary and cutting a new nut. If got any extra, spend on food!

The upgrade of hardware on the guitar(bridge, pickup etc etc) wont be fully maximised without a proper setup guitar with the right nut that suit the particular string gauge that its meant for.

Hardware upgrade can wait, if the fundamental point of the geetar aint right, no amount of hardware changes can bring the instrument to the next level of playing and of course, sounding the way it should be.

But wait, I feel dropping Custom Shop stuff into my MIK Custom is not gonna make much out of it. Say I stick to a budget, hardware/pickups/manpower/fret work etc, would $200SGD breathe life into my unplayed for 4 years Epiphone?

Yes. You spend $10 on new strings. Abt another $10 to $20 on contact spray. And the other $180 on Tonerider pickups. Problem solved.

But i'm assuming you know how to setup the guitar yourself. Which isn't difficult. Can google wan.
Hmm thank you all for the Les Paul help! Much appreciated really..

I still want to change the pickups =>

Ok the idea will be 500k pots, set it up to .10/11-.52/.58 undecided, nut change (bone? muahaha), 50s wiring.

I may need to change the bridge because it's pretty gunked up. How do you guys clean the hard to reach places? I may need to use a chisel......

Then, either have sushi at Sakura Market at Parkway or Island Creamery at Serene. Guess you know whose workbench the guitar could be going~

Now, who wants to get some GHS pickups with me?