leave my beer can behind. going to court.


Wish you all the best bro. Write in to the papers la seriously. Or the other online forum/page that the other softie(s) have given you
i hope that stinking NEA scumbag and his accomplice both die violently in a road accident. filthy liar shld have his tongue cut off in public............
any idea how to post my article on STOMP without uploading any file like photo or video? it says file is required.
write a petition, send it to the MPs, NEA offices, i'm sure we softies can help u sign it since we all know the story.. we don't want this to happen to all of us, let's do sumthing abt it, one step at a time, the officials in this country would understand wat the masses can do with the power of unity.. =)
Tough luck bro. I'm still young so i don't know anything about this law stuff. But, all the best, and god bless you. :)
Hi RickyLah.

While BlackForest has earlier pointed out the High Court case of Yong Heng Hew stating that littering is strict liability, I would like to point out a few things.

1. In the case, CJ Yong stated that for a person to be convicted of a strict liability offence, a blameworthy element needs to be shown. This means that even though s. 17(1)(f) of the Environmental Public Health Act, which you have been charged under, includes "leav[ing] behind", unless you have done this DELIBERATELY, as far as the law stands, you are NOT guilty.

2. The law of evidence places a burden of proof BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT on the STATE. As such, AS FAR AS THE LAW IS CONCERNED, the moment you step into court, and DENY the NEA Officer's account, and state what happened to you to the judge - course, humbly and clearly - the NEA Officer must prove that it is MUCH MORE LIKELY that his account is true as opposed to yours. As such, if the story you have related is true, it is your legal right, and in fact, the best course of action, to fully and frankly state what occurred to the judge, and allow justice to take its course.

These things considered, it is in your best interests to appear in court and deny what the NEA Officer alleges. State the facts truthfully and clearly, and adopt a humble demeanour toward the judge.

At the same time, you should continue your efforts in your appeal to your MP, as well as write in to the Straits Times. While creating public awareness will not do you any good in a court of law, and no petitions can be admitted, as they are what is known as "hearsay" evidence and not relevant to proceedings, this can certainly do you know harm, and allow your injustices to be heard.

All things considered however, you may wish to consider simply paying the fine. This is no substitute for professional legal advice. More importantly, professional legal advice would probably cost you at the very least, several hundred (if not, at least $2000 in reputable firms). Free legal aid is available, but has a long wait and may not necessarily involve representation for such a small case.

All the best, and good luck!

you can do two things:

1) pay the fine and let the matter rest

2) go to court (dont worry, its not that scary) and claim trial. You will have to appear in either court 26 or more likely court 23 (magistrate court). But if you claim trial, you will be advised to engage a lawyer and that will cost u moolah.

3) going to the press is one thing. But ultimately the press can only publish your word against the NEA officer's which might not hold much weight, story-wise.

All things said and done, pay the fine. it will save u the grief.
If going to the press worked, public prosecutors would be out of their jobs. I'd pay the fine, but since you're going to court today -- all the best.
Going to court is not the worst thing. You plead guilty you just pay(That's what they want)and can leave. But if you're trying to defend youself no matter how right you, the judge will say you talk too much and will probably give you higher fine. Very normal lah....I go court many times. No point talking to the judge. The court air-con are turned on full blast normally. And many are not prepared wearing normal clothings will shiver when your session is up. When you shiver it looked as if you are in the wrongs even though you are not. Their decision is final, you challenge them you lagi siong. You get a lawyer, you tend to spend more.
if you admit that you are wrong, you pay fine. if you defend yourself, win or lose, you still gotta pay fees.

you got to accept the fact that The Man has already screwed your ass. now is a matter of how deep you allow them to go. but anyway since you would already have been in court update us.

anyway you can ask TNP to feature your story. TNP loves to publish stories of petty injustices
Just plead guilty and pay the fine lah..... later kena compounded more sianz..

The judge might ask you
"Do you know the NEA officer?" No.
"Any reason why the NEA officer might want to malign you?" No.
"The NEA officer does not know you and have no reason to malign you.
Please pay your fine and tuck that tail of yours between your legs when you leave."

You appeal also no use. No proof.
You are gulity until proven innocent.
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if all else fails, just name the officer here.

at least it's just a fine and not jail term, but you should appeal nonetheless. i don't think you should waste your money on a lawyer, but just use your reasoning to appeal to the judge
WOW, wait. So your friend still had his drink while you left yours behind right? Since you are the only guy who got served? So if let's say, I was sitting down and I left something behind (maybe a nike waterbottle) and I came back to get it I could actually be CHARGED FOR LITTERING?

Obviously this is flawed logic? Oh my god. I feel for you man, I really really really do. Do NEA officers work under a quota system or what? That is clearly unfair! :mad: