leave my beer can behind. going to court.


It's his word against the NEA officer's. Write in the the strait times or something, as guitarsan said. That officer will never admit to lying.

u can write to the straits times, but whether they publish it is another thing.
eh dude , from my experience , pay up the 200 bucks. my friend got fined for dropping a sweet wrapper by accident and when he's gonna pick up , they came. i was right there beside him and he had no intentions of littering at all. i pity him alot. he wrote in and got rejected too. they were too leniant. now they're too strict.
so i guess ppl who unknowingly litter will end up getting caught too? like for example, ur tissue paper getting blown off the table and u dont notice it.

if thats so its a serious flaw in the system.
by littering, it include intentionally and accidently. either way ure littering. BETTER NOT LOSE UR WALLET OR HANDPHONE AR.

i will get MP to send a final letter next tues, and if it still get rejected then ill surrender. i pay the fine. since ive read story of 1 parking fine that took years to settle.
Get yourself a good lawyer, I am serious, a good lawyer will determine whether or you're right or you're wrong. If you're proven not guilty, press charges against the NEA officer for perjury and malicious prosecution.


Get a lawyer first, then write to the press as well if you feel it'll make any difference.

Perhaps you should have kept the beer can as evidence :P
^ yup, precisely. If you're confident that you did no wrong, and you get a solid lawyer, then you should be fine.
My advice to you is unless you know any higher up, give this case up. People get screwed unreasonably so many times.

Remember the man parking outside his OWN private house, and kena summon even though he was only obstructing himself as he owned both the house and the car? Huge case, came out everywhere in the papers. I at first thought he had a no-brainer winning case. In the end he lost, to most people's suprise.

$200 just pay it and be gone with it, if this last attempt at your justice fails.
getting lawyer will cost much more than the $200. although im pissed off with the fine and the abuse of authority.

It's his word against the NEA officer's. Write in the the strait times or something, as guitarsan said. That officer will never admit to lying.

but writing in will only activate the corp comms dept, who will use the legal verdict to reply back via the same channel. if u want popular opinion, then stomp is only a link away. speakers' corner if you want a more dramatic appearance.

seek legal advice. there are clinics which give free legal advice. bring all documentation. http://www.lawsociety.org.sg/probono/community_legal_clinic.aspx

judge will be blind on both sides. its up to the judge to decide.
You'd have to report the officer for lying i guess. It'd be a hard fight, probably a losing battle. You might want to think about just trying to defend yourself in court instead of spending alot on a lawyer.
You have obviously been injusticed, and I feel you should stand up for your principles, even if it means you losing the case. I think you should not give in to this gross injustice, and fight for your justice.

I'm not asking you to cause chaos and rebel, I just think you should do what any man with integrity and morals would do. If you lose the case, you'll have to face the consequences, and it probably won't be too fun for you. However, you will have a clean conscience and you can proudly say that you didn't do anything wrong.

If you pay the fine even when you clearly didn't do anything wrong, then you would have "sold out" and you'll be just as bad as the NEA officer (who ought to be a good, honest, government official) who lied that your drink can was empty.

Just my two cents worth, provided what you said in your first post was the truth. Heh.
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That's because NEA's public image is now at stake, and chances they will likely to "investigate" further. Either way, it's still better than now.

Sorry dude, but the truth is the agency will probably care not to investigate further. It seems that every time when someone gets a letter onto the forum complaining about government agencies, they always reply;"We will investigate further.' And it always ends there.

TS, fight for your cause. Never ever bow down to authority. You know you're right, so fight for the truth. Do not let the NEA officer get away with lying.
what was the charge that was preferred against you? look at the act you were charged under, and see if there are any possible defences. if none, your best bet is to present your case before the judge on the 16th. please don't outright blame the nea officer, nor allege that he lied, or set you up etc, it won't do you any good.

focus on the circumstances that day. did your friend walk away with his beer in hand? perhaps explain why you actually walked back, showing that if you really wanted to litter you won't have bothered walking back etc.
how long were you sitting there? 10 mins? would a can of beer be finished so quickly? did the nea officer see your friend holding his own can of beer? i don't think you would claim trial, but for what its worth, you could try to reason with the judge that day.

better if you have some independent witnesses. forget about your friends.