Lacking of local bassist..true or false?

a bassist is the one who controls the whole mood of the band, assuming the band is sensitive to dynamics.

Imho, the whole band contributes to the mood of the song they are performing. Every instrument plays an equally important part. Its not based solely on one instrument.
I think the problem with bassists is that there is quite a number that can play simple stuff for example simple bass lines with one note phrases over a few bars, however, there is that lack of people able to play slightly harder stuff like Myung's and Wooten's lines... well not really SLIGHTLY harder but harder stuff. well that's my personal opinion... probably also due to the lack of inspiration to play bass...
^you'd be surprised how many bassists there are that can absolutely slay it on the bass.

I met a guy at the festival of love and youth early this year, from NUS, and he was AMAZING on the fretless bass, harmonics and everything ringing beautifully. He isn't on Soft though.

All our successful bands have killer bassists. JBarks from The Fire Fight, Jude from WGB, KC from Caracal, the Marchtwelve guy, Leeson-

look left look right and bassists have alot of local heroes to look to for inspiration
i can play bass for you too

come come let me shred on bass for you.....*does billy sheebacon*
bassists are few in singapore, took me more than a month to find one. Bass itself is not known to many layman, I din know abt bass until i started playing guitar. I usually have a hard time explaing to my non-music playing friends about bass. I guess this lack of publicity probably contributes to the small number of bass players. And the fact that the bass are usually not that audible in most songs doesn't help.
I usually have a hard time explaing to my non-music playing friends about bass

it gets irritating when they ask "where is the bass parts are in the song??", "why there is only 4 strings in that guitar!?", etc...

but cannot be blamed la. some out there dont have musical knowledge, so we just have to tahan this
I think most people think playing bass not glam enough....

i think bass is dam glam though haha perhaps its just me.

and try power metal. usually you cant hear the bass at all. lol have bass = no bass liddat. esp popular bands like dforce. really cant hear the bass one.
Personally, I think the bassist belongs to a different breed altogether.

The cool and calm one, understated coolness.

Doesn't crave for attention but knows if he's good at it, the women will come. :mrgreen:

If he was to be involved in a scandal with a woman, few people would know about it but when everything's out - everyone would be amazed at the loooong string of women he got involved in secretly.

If anyone is to know the beauty of the bass guitar and what kind of emotions it can invoke, everyone will fall in love with it.

Nowadays I find myself humming to the basslines of most songs playing on my PC whenever I am doing work, although I'm a vocalist.
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hahaha>>that's so Right<<

but hey>> im a Bass<<

erm..FAct is a Bass is the overall music piece..without it, Music = Noise<<

so yeah... more is that Bass is always the 1 who would have to overview on things


With all due respect for everyone who has contributed so far, if one has difficulty finding a bass player (or difficulty understanding the seeming lack of them) maybe we can take a step backwards and see the big picture.

For one: mainstream music has been and will pretty much influence most of the music-playing population. What happens if you're doing somewhat underground or non-mainstream stuff?

Secondly: with regards to "blues" bass players, some folks do take their music seriously and just because to ever-assuming guitarists it may seem like a string of boxed pentatonic shapes, it's a whole different story for bass players.

Thirdly: if you're aiming really high to play incredibly hard, technical songs... just ask yourself how hard is it going to be to find a reasonably players of any instrument, much less a superbly techincally proficient bass player who will suddenly come into your life and play JUST for your band.

Just to share with you guys... whenever I craft a song, unless I have a specific bass line in mind, I would always be perfectly open to letting my bass player come up with his own basslines. That is to say that I respect his choice of notes and unlike trying to force my bass player to fit my vision, I allow him space to stretch out on his own because I enjoy playing challenging riffs. However that is purely in the context of writing originals.

So, what can be done about it? I suppose it's pretty much up to the seeking parties to retain their hopes of finding an already excellent bass player, or what one could do is start a band with a reasonably able player and grow with him/her. Or you could unfortunately be unable to find a bass player due to passe or unconventional genres.

Just sharing my thoughts lah.
Wow, a bass appreciation thread, are there really so few of us out there that this has to be done to lure them out?

Seriously, there are many bassists out there, it just so happens that most of them are already doing their own thing, and many more are closet players. You just got to look out for dodgy looking friends who fiddle with their index and middle fingers all the time. The ones who look the most unlikely, normally play bass. It's just my observation over the years.
i find all this: linking of personality types to what instrument you play really ridiculous.

your band is not some extension of the power rangers.. red is the leader and the hot blooded one, pink is the blonde chick, yellow is the token minority race chick, green is the nerdy geek and blue is just some schmuck. oh, and don't forget the white gousen ranger

seriously lah, all this effort spent profiling people based on what instrument they play can be spent writing better songs or going into the woodshed

i don't think there are a lack of good bassists, i think if you're a good band, that good bassist will find your band -)
i haven't really bothered to read all 4 pages of this thread. but i just wanted to say that, no i don't think there is a lack of bassist. yes, bassists are slightly rarer than guitarists because everyone wants to be in the front playing the leads and rocking distorted chords. but, there definitely are enough bassists (good ones.) to go around. you just need to know where they are. for example, if i were looking only in my circle of friends, i would have anywhere from 4 bassists to choose from at least.

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