Klon Centaur

yes somebody please tell me more....it seems to be very expensive, and tomo uses it...i'm really curious to know whats the big deal about it, techies, unite! :D
it's the most guarded secret in the pedal building world!!.. wahha.. heard got some black plastic stuff covering the components to make sure u can't figure out what it is..
Hmm after reading edder's comments on another thread, i am compelled to ask edder, will you ever spend more than $50 dollars on an overdrive pedal? :D :D

I intend to fund my entire retirement with the om pedals...


get rich making pedals? bwahhahahaha.... further more in singapore?


why do I even bother! :twisted:
I have no idea... no interest in the Klon, so haven't been keeping up.

Best to visit their website and shoot an email.
there are better use for yer hard earned money ....or if wanna join the Klon club of show-offs !!
yet another green thing clone ...nicely gooped (hiding other peoples invention) but but but... if you are into "pedal investment" get a few ...who knows !!

oh ya it has a little nice trick with a dual ganged gain pot ...oh well !!
ooho oh it comes from Siberia....must be frost biten op-amps !!

:D forgive for the joy kill
It sounds pretty good on models though.
as in the centuar models on the mutli fx.
but i havent tried a real one.

but like what you said, there are better use for the money.
Multifx have a long way to go to cop the FEEL of dist/od/dirt...

Could SOUND like it but FEEL? Nah... long long long way to go...

So gibby, you're only hearing that bit, the other half, might just blow you away!
Hi Edder,

Would a soundclip or video demo help?

I have seen an abundance of angmohs with the aforementioned 500usd overdrive on the various forums.
It's out of my league, I cannot see myself spending so much on a single pedal.
In my humblest opinion, it's not the holy grail of overdrives, but I assume that it is good at what it does. To say the very least.
a big part other than sounding good on a overdrive or any gain pedal thats above a certain range, is that it makes the owner think in some different ways when they were playing with some lower priced pedals. :lol:


Instead of worrying how a 1k or even 20k amp will sound like, how about writing some songs or music thats worthy of what we have instead of another guitar solo or songs full of solo.

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