Yeah edder, and people from the mrmisse camp should know how SOFT is like and what not...
You guys are the experienced ones, the ones who at the very least, know more than the younger ones here, but I don't see a lot of sharing. More fun to poke and laugh and mock, I UNDERSTAND that, but IMO, this thread (and the similiar ones) is just tasteless. Of course, pathe has been a nice chap to share his knowledge to others, I do not deny that. Of course I have been the one who lacks patience to help SOFTies, neither would I deny that. Maybe its the weather that's gotten to me anyway, which could be the case.
Its just a forum. Its just what I think.
So please, don't have mrmisse forumites start posting about what a ass this cow is from SOFT, which has happened before. Hehe.
And definately, I'm not being anywhere near 'hostile' as I type this.