Klon Centaur


hey.. songs full of solos can be nice, very nice.
but its just sharing our views on the pedal man.
although i do not think that after this thread anyone would wanna go thru the hassle of getting a centuar.

tremo uses it if i remember correctly, he has a video of his rig.
heh, mr misse was on the verge of selling the pedals and i was prepared to get it. But then, lightning strike and in the end, we realised that modulation pedals are the way to go, not some mild overdrive pedals that need a cranked amp to perform... :lol:
damn this thread too serious....

I posted this just for the sake of posting....

who needs a centaur when they can ohhhhhmmmmmmmhhhoooooo.....

hur hur hur....
thread killer what.

then again, when it comes to drive pedals, or as a matter of fact
any pedals, it boils down to personal preference.

like what cow said above, some people swear by the ds1 and some dont,
for me i use my ds1 for very mild distortion and my hyde does the most of the talking.
although im planning to change it. heh.
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
heh, mr misse was on the verge of selling the pedals and i was prepared to get it. But then, lightning strike and in the end, we realised that modulation pedals are the way to go, not some mild overdrive pedals that need a cranked amp to perform... :lol:

That's really how mrmisse and you go abt your trade... modulation. So by all means, go modulation.

Its an art to make a dirt pedal work in tandem with an overdriven amp, while maintaining feel/tone/vibe/mojo/etc, whether you think it is worth it or not, its another matter.

Perhaps the overtone in your reply was one that is slightly mocking, given how few of us are as "experienced" as you, and how few of us think along the same line as you, namely, modulation is the way to go.
Anyway, so has anyone really tried the Centaur or are we just going to sit around and speculate that its some overhyped thing-a-ma-jig.

Sound is just half the equation, when how the pedal reacts to your touch being the final deciding factor.
i think that alot of people on TGP have tried the klon and their views are just as qualified(or maybe more) as from the people from soft.com.....

like goose said, the klon is supposed to be a copy/clone/whatever of the TS(again), I think thats all we need to know..heheheh

:D :D :D :D

shreddy.... the last thing you should do is to take anything from the mrmisse camp seriously....

SERIOUS! hahaha....
Yeah edder, and people from the mrmisse camp should know how SOFT is like and what not...

You guys are the experienced ones, the ones who at the very least, know more than the younger ones here, but I don't see a lot of sharing. More fun to poke and laugh and mock, I UNDERSTAND that, but IMO, this thread (and the similiar ones) is just tasteless. Of course, pathe has been a nice chap to share his knowledge to others, I do not deny that. Of course I have been the one who lacks patience to help SOFTies, neither would I deny that. Maybe its the weather that's gotten to me anyway, which could be the case.


Its just a forum. Its just what I think.

So please, don't have mrmisse forumites start posting about what a ass this cow is from SOFT, which has happened before. Hehe.

And definately, I'm not being anywhere near 'hostile' as I type this.

you should join our regular bitch slap sessions over beer and chunks of meat!! ooops.... i've not been attending these sessions for too long... maybe they've been bitching about me too! ahahahaha...
snuffleupagus said:
sorry this may be out of topic, but edder, your avatar is starting to affect me :D :D


do ahhh make you orrnyyy???? do ahhh make you randyyyy?????

do ahhhh???? do ahhhh?????
I give you 69 more months! :lol:

Chill cow. Its all good, its only words and words can never kill.... unless if its from some legal attorney.... :twisted:
most definately man, I undestand this words thing (finally) so no worries here about that...

except for that attorney thing... thats dangerous...