At this moment of sadness and grief, let everyone of us not forgotten what he had done to the history of world music especially pop music in focus. He has shown us what it is like to succeed with hardwork and perserverance. He is a great human being after all. Below is my humble dedication to him.
"Michael,we love you since u hop on the scene as a small boy with your brothers in Jackson Five.You have given million of children dreams,hopes and courage to live life to the fullest. Your quest for perfection is endless and you have creatively captured the 80s with your Thriller and Bad albums. May Allah protects you and grant you paradise which you not only deserves but try to bring to others."
Let everyone pray for him now that he has pass on.
And your Lord said: “Invoke Me, (i.e. believe in My Oneness (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation)..” (Quran: 40: 60)