Kawerty, why do you have to spend your energy,effort and time to type and tell people to move on with life and forget the Great Michael? Are you somesort of a godfather or a pastor in your church? You can't deny there's fans here in Singapore right? as much as you think u can easily move on, well good for you, but if people just want to chat more about MJ in a kopitiam thread, and it's not every thread about MJ,then why should you ask people to move on?
I don't hate people, i hate what they are doing
I'm not technically a MJ fan, I just wanna get this clear.
Personally I think everyone has their own reasons for taking their time with getting over the fact that he's dead.
MJ, to me, wasn't primarily a musical influence;
He opened my eyes to politics, culture, environmental matters, and human matters. He was the kickstart to everything I am and stand for doing up till now..
Safe to say, he pretty much gave me the first step into my self-revelations.
I wouldn't be the way I'm thinking now, the way I am characteristically, and the way I decide situations in my life, and my goals in life, if he didn't exist at the right time and at the amount of effort he made in portraying his music.
Which is why -I'm- taking a long time to get over it.
To me, I didn't lose another music artist; I lost a teacher / guide. And I know I'm not the only one.
I think those who get pissed over how some people are still "mourning" about him should mind their own business and accept the fact that he has obviously touched people in many ways than one, and in different degrees of depth.
The rest of them who are still "following the news", is just our way of finding some sort of closure. Don't worry, we'll get over it. And if you're talking "benefits", closure is the only one we're looking for.
kawerty, I'm sorry you lack that understanding. Maybe you should invest in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones. And.
I think the problem isn't us, then. You can't control what people want to do, you know. So deal with it and suck it up. If you can't, please get some form of therapy before it builds up in you and you start killing people. Seeing how much energy -YOU- spent on typing all your explanations out, I'd think you need a couple of "ponds to reflect upon".
i started this thread for people who are fans of MJ to show some respect to him. not for those who wants to argue abt his faults or what not. and also def no for pple here to rant abt what he did or did not do.
this thread is jus for us pple who adore him to come tog and show us how he has affected us in our lives in a positive way.
so if u all have a problem with him do it somewhere else pls. i hope the moderators are monitoring this. I, Simon lai, is a huge fan of his, and i am not shy of annoucing it. whatever he did or did not do in his life. one thing is for sure. he is one man doing what he did best who continues to inspire others even up till his deathbed. so pls pple. show some respect.
i hope i do not have to be here reading abt u pple ranting and arguing who he is or what he has done tht displeases u. the man is dead. we just want to commemorate his death and his life's work.
And jesse_adams, were you one of them who wore those clothes or spoke ever so loudly in public about MJ though ur not his fan(or just to join the fun/go with the flow)?
Whoops,IF you were referring to me,then i say 1st,what ur referring to is not my battle . Btw,do you not hate people who still going around telling MJ jokes? Insensitive as those i was mentioning abt . wait till you die and i laugh at you .(not you nomis,i meant those who tell MJ jokes even after his death)
Heal the thread - sung to the tune of "Heal the world"
Heal the thread
Make it a better place
For you & for me
and the entire softie race
There are people flaming
And some others still unbelieving
Make a better place
And let MJ be ....
Does anyone ever figure out how he does his 360 degree spin, for I think a total of 2-3 complete turns and still not get dizzy?![]()