Eh, come on la, He's officially dead now,even if he's alive,he'll be hated if its really a hoax,and yes,to the extend to getting shot by his dumb ass prick minded fans .
So why bother so much with nothing that has to do with you? yes,you might be sad and still in the 'mourning' mood,come on guys! Time to suck it up and move on!
Seriously,you guys gives me the creeps,showing how you miss and like MJ , Yes i liked him,While he was still alive and kickin' . Bottom line : 'He's dead ! ' For some of ya, the other bottom line's : ' He's not dead now,but will get shot , AKA, Dead in No time! '
Suck it up,move on . Invest in stocks,work hard and get a promotion,study and get good grades , learn more instruments,perfect your insrument , Something that moves you along in life,other than caring bout MJ and his News.
Yes,you can continue to 'keep-in-touch' with his diversity of media now, but what if he's really dead? After a few months you look back,think of the amount of time you've wasted and things you could do with it.
Yes,i need to learn how to keep my thoughts to myself,be still you guys have to leave MJ alone!
Oh,by the way,what does the news about others earning money from his death? Does it benefits you? i'd doubt so. They can hump MJ's corpse for all they want(with due respect) but it won't do anyting to harm or benefit you(maybe if you wanna jack of the video,i don't know,but i won't) so all in the name on entertainment,don't bond urself with MJ and his 'News' and get involved emotionally,i'l just make you angry and/or depressed .
If you can handle them and move on with life according and regardless of it,then good for you! Keep it up,keep in touch cause you aren't the weak hearted .