King of POP has passed away. RIP Michael Jackson.

Eh, come on la, He's officially dead now,even if he's alive,he'll be hated if its really a hoax,and yes,to the extend to getting shot by his dumb ass prick minded fans .

So why bother so much with nothing that has to do with you? yes,you might be sad and still in the 'mourning' mood,come on guys! Time to suck it up and move on!

Seriously,you guys gives me the creeps,showing how you miss and like MJ , Yes i liked him,While he was still alive and kickin' . Bottom line : 'He's dead ! ' For some of ya, the other bottom line's : ' He's not dead now,but will get shot , AKA, Dead in No time! '
Suck it up,move on . Invest in stocks,work hard and get a promotion,study and get good grades , learn more instruments,perfect your insrument , Something that moves you along in life,other than caring bout MJ and his News.

Yes,you can continue to 'keep-in-touch' with his diversity of media now, but what if he's really dead? After a few months you look back,think of the amount of time you've wasted and things you could do with it.

Yes,i need to learn how to keep my thoughts to myself,be still you guys have to leave MJ alone!:mad:

Oh,by the way,what does the news about others earning money from his death? Does it benefits you? i'd doubt so. They can hump MJ's corpse for all they want(with due respect) but it won't do anyting to harm or benefit you(maybe if you wanna jack of the video,i don't know,but i won't) so all in the name on entertainment,don't bond urself with MJ and his 'News' and get involved emotionally,i'l just make you angry and/or depressed .

If you can handle them and move on with life according and regardless of it,then good for you! Keep it up,keep in touch cause you aren't the weak hearted .
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Isit time to crack some MJ jokes or do we have to wait a mth more? ;)

whats' with his jokes? When he was alive,you guys hated him , even after he dies you still wanna show no respect? You could pay humanity a trip for all i care before you tell a joke about a dead man .

I had a fair share of his jokes while he was alive,and i just wanna giv him some respect for all he did,and too upon his death . How would you like if people made fun of you while you were still alive? and dead? 'Go kill urself while i laugh about you even when ur dead!' is that what you want? i hope not . Go find a pond and reflect dude .
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed or haven't got lucky for awhile?
Relak people come here for fun and too be a moron :mrgreen:.
I'm a big MJ fan and I was shocked and saddened by his death but I got over it in no time at all. As they say, life goes on. We still have his music and memories to remember him :)
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed or haven't got lucky for awhile?
Relak people come here for fun and too be a moron :mrgreen:.

i woke up fine and still am dandy,thanks for worrying . But still,kidding or not,one still has to know them limits, and yes indeed,morons most of them seem to be . Singaporean's limits has once been tested on mrt,why do you think SMRT banned food on train? cause people like them don't know no limits .
i woke up fine and still am dandy,thanks for worrying . But still,kidding or not,one still has to know them limits, and yes indeed,morons most of them seem to be . Singaporean's limits has once been tested on mrt,why do you think SMRT banned food on train? cause people like them don't know no limits .
soft has no limits!!
if got limit alot of people will kena ban already!!! :twisted:

or should i say soft is errr ... soft? :mrgreen:
I think rather than speculate on his death and other amazing things that the tabloids say about him, lets use this thread to post our thoughts on the late legend and his music. Like posting video links of his great music from the Jackson 5 era to his solo career ;)
kawerty: MEGA INCOHERENT RANT. All I got from it is a sense of an obsession with necrophilia and a deep hatred of people that have nothing to do with you caring about things that have nothing to do with you. You also seem to not understand the concept of "people interest stories".

And desdinova, "haha he's a pedo". I just summarized every MJ joke ever.

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kawerty: MEGA INCOHERENT RANT. All I got from it is a sense of an obsession with necrophilia and a deep hatred of people that have nothing to do with you caring about things that have nothing to do with you. You also seem to not understand the concept of "people interest stories".

You can say all you want 'bout me , but you just gotta learn to read . Read it again . P.S , In the brackets .

I don't hate people, i hate what they are doing,and i want them to move on instead of wasting some of their time with MJ . And yes,nothing to do with me,but have what i have typed and listed is refering and concerning you? if yes,stop it,enjoy life with proper entertainment,not this .

Yes,i don't understand the ''people interest stories'' you have stated,i just want to say my piece about them addicts to snap out of it . Would you want to enlighten me on ''people interest stories'' that you are/were referring to?
aiyoh take ur arguments elsewhere.
show some maturity.

aiyo,no la,see it as 'exchanging thoughts' . Maturity is fake,its self defined , correct me if i'm wrong, but if it was 'real' and refered to freely, they would have a chart of maturity for us,the public to refer to,don't you think so?:???:
recalcitrant.This is who they are! , if mj was still alive, im sure he wouldn't have want you guys to have an arguement in the first place. it is only after,then will u find peace within yourselves. For now, lets just lament the loss of the king of pop!
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when he was alive, ppl gave no shit ...but when hes freaking dead all jumped on the band wagon and 'grief'...

MOve on...

oh by the way...isnt ironic that he died at 3:15? when the big hand touches the small hand...
Kawerty, why do you have to spend your energy,effort and time to type and tell people to move on with life and forget the Great Michael? Are you somesort of a godfather or a pastor in your church? You can't deny there's fans here in Singapore right? as much as you think u can easily move on, well good for you, but if people just want to chat more about MJ in a kopitiam thread, and it's not every thread about MJ,then why should you ask people to move on?

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