John Petrucci Cover

hello everyone! thank you all so much for commenting!

personally i just wished that my first performance would be a blast, an incredible experience with an amazing atmosphere created from a song i really thought was energetic and lively. I was only given one item slot so i chose glasgow kiss

all 3 of us are classically trained, piano being our first instrument, and we really grew up on playing bach beethoven, mendelssohn and chopin, and liszt and rachmaninoff (and many others we encounter in our grade 12345678 books haha), so we have never thought of composing our own song! how sure are we that our first compositionm and performing for the first time, would be well received? relaly really not at all haha.

all i just wanted was to have fun together and make a impact on my friends, surely if a mediocre composition was presented in the debut performance, it wouldn't be very nice right ahaha :D

Although yes i do agree with u all on the composition, although i do admire john petrucci, i admire him more on the fact that he composed all the music himself. It would be great if i can slowly be able to perform my own compositions myself in the near future! :)

thank you so much for all your comments once again! Keep them coming i am all ears :)
Mr R, I know you are a Rosli M student and you guys just can't get enough that I gave some negative, albeit constructive comments on his songwriting/song selection for his promo. And to think that I was the one that got in touch with the soundguy to tell him that Rosli's looking for someone to finish up the mixing for his album. In all honesty, if I hadn't gotten in touch with the soundguy, Rosli's album would have taken a longer time to complete. And I did all this before you guys started your hoohah.

Live with the comments made, they were honest and sincere. Take on new challenges lah bro.

Grinder is the way he is so I'll leave him be. But I hope to have better rapport/communication with you in the future.

And plop, good going. And I appreciate your wholesome attitude towards both good and bad comments. I have a good feeling about you and your talents.

Peace Out!
hmm hmm! agree with shredcow on covering masterpieces actually. kinda ambivalent... IMO sometimes masterpieces should be left and played the way they were meant to be played. being able to hit the perfect nuances is also a way to make you closer to the original moment of composition. if you have to improvise over some other song, why not write a completely new song? improvising isn't really gonna make it "better", because after all, one man's meat is another's poison. hmmmm.

whether rork has got the substance or not is completely irrelevant and should not be taken into this.

just like to bring up some points about commenting itself, not the content.. personally i didn't "re-read his posts in a different tone" because.. well. you can see HIS tone in his first few posts. reminds you of some punk rock trolls elsewhere in these forums, no? just.. "straight up dissing". going OT here, but this is still important. the comment about william hung? dude? the implications are clear. especially since RoRk is not asian. its clear to see who is polite and objective in this forum, lets encourage it.
Just to point out the issue brought out regarding classical music - classical music is taught as a cultural thingy first and foremost, and music and creativity secondly. Wrong? Think again - when was the last time you heard of an improvisation class on/with classical music?

It's a fact. Live with it.

However, when playing in a band, a rock band at that, one would assume that creativity/improvisation is required should one be intent on achieving originality, which I assume is what most young bands want.

Having served the army and my reservist stints, and having a Chinese mum and being close to mostly Chinese and Malays here, in my country of birth, I think it is utterly low of you to insinuate that I am somehow trying to sabotage local music with my remarks.

Anyways, let's leave plop's thread for his own music. Should anyone feel that they have a message for me, either start a thread or PM me. It's as simple as that.

Rork, I think it's high time you take your game elsewhere. You want to fool the rest of Soft that the album was done with your help, i'm afraid it's very far from the truth.

I would advise that to keep your credibility, you should just stop all these nonsensical comments. If you intend to quote facts, no one's stopping you. The 1st paragraph of your last reply was absolute bull, don't dare me nor know very well I've mentioned that i had sat in for the mixing stages, I may not know all the ongoing drama but i've heard enough about you from others and what transpired.

Truly inspirational, albeit in a very revolting way.

As always, peace out and whatever cock rocking nonsense sign off!
oh ok wow whats hapenning. chill guys, it's just music. Everyone has their journey in it, RoRk gave a good advice. Though harsh.
When you grow up and learn some manners, then come and tell me what to do.

I have told you before in a previous thread that I take no credit in anything related to yuor guitar teacher's album. I only wanted to point out that I wasn't sabotaging his endeavour.

I hope to get in touch with your guitar teacher one of these days to sort things out with him. In the meantime, I would appreciate if you keep your views to yourself.

I have posted ample samples of my music here at Soft. You should post your thoughts about my playing/songwriting there. It's as simple as that.

When you post something in a forum, it is a given that you should expect both positive and negative comments.

I appreciate your keen interest in your teacher's endeavours but the way that you have been going about it makes you look bad and it doesn't give people the impression that your opinions about your teacher's playing is unbiased and truthful.

You're helping no one, certainly not your teacher. Not even yourself.

So, take a break from attacking RoRK, other than commenting on his music. It's fine by me if you don't like it or if you think your teacher is much better. Just be honest with your thoughts and your posts whether it is against me or for your teacher.

Again, good on you for supporting him, but there comes a limit where if even your teacher doesn't give a damn about what I say, and rightly he should if he feels that he knows better, but people like you are making yourselves, and even him into a joke. Because, chances are that sould anyone read anything good about him, here or anywhere else, that they'll attribute that positive comment as coming from one of his fervent students.

I never said that he wasn't any good. I only had issues with his song selection and the fact that the promo songs that he put up sounded similar. If he isn't bothered by my comments. Why should you??? Get your own life dude.

Lastly, I'm not the least bothered by what you say you heard in the mixing room. I am assured that your comments are not trust worthy - just like most of your other comments on this topic. Whoever it is that sat with you is someone that I know together with a few others for many, many years. I'm not about to go about destroying friendships based on your callous remarks.

Again, I will speak to Rosli at an opportune time and try to sort out the issue with him and I am hopeful that all this immature, sensitive crap will come to a stop.

Amazing reply with all of the insinuation and no justification. Thanks for highlighting the amount of replies here due to your fervent efforts, i certainly wish soft will become a better place with your inputs.

As for me, all that talk doesn't matter. When you can't defend, you bring an attack to me....bringing the attention away from what i have mentioned. Talk all you want, alot of threads with your participation garnering attention. Just try to remember, stop asking everyone else to grow up.....when you're pointing at someone with a finger, the remaining 4 are pointing at yourself.

I'll definitely keep my views to myself, while you can air yours freely and stop anyone else who opposes.

All of us are behind a monitor and a set of keyboard, i understand your frustration to shut me up while i tear away at your ego bit by bit. Far too many times have i been objective while all i got were diversions and attacks on my personality. Too bad if i seemed childish or callous to you, but certainly beats being a dishonest man :roll:

Typing alot and in eloquent english doesn't bag you more credibility, it merely makes you an internet hero which you can't attain in reality. So what if you've been around a long time, don't fu*king pull your weight just because of your age.

Last reply in this thread, and good riddance.

plop: I've forgotten to include in my previous reply, i think you've made an effort to cover JP's track. Learn from mistakes and even if it's covers, there's still the theory and techniques to be extracted from it. Keep at it and eventually with your own songs, incorporate what you have experienced and learnt. Good luck and pls show us more clips/vids the next time!
edo, a fair warning to you. I will proceed legal action against you for your libellous remarks. You have some time to delete your libellous remarks.

I have written to James to ask him to retain all of your posts in this thread.

You are young, I may be old. But that is besides the point. The point is that you should not and if you did you should stop from making libellous remarks against other people, especially others that you do not know.

Trust me, I don't hate you or dislike you even though you have, on more than one occasion, made a direct attack against my character. And you've not even spent one minute with me or know me directly. And yet you go on and on and on. Even after I told you to stop it. Fair, it is if you say you've heard bad things about me. That's life - some people just don't like us and some people have a knack of talking bad about others and then there are others that are just trash.

I suggest that you find a psychiatrist to get your fixtion with your guitar teacher fixed! You're an embarrassment.

So, dude, do the necessary and then I hope you get some psychiatric help on your fixation with whatever it is that makes you harbour such hatred for such a long time over a tiny matter. To put it out in public like so is quite sad. Perhaps you should play the harmonica or something to keep your mouth, and hand busy so that you don't come here and post more libellous statements.

Tell us the truth. maybe we can try to help you but hitting out at someone for making a simple remark that song selection wasn't right can make you keep such hatred for such a long time makes me worry for you.

Dude, get some help before it's too late. I really pity you. After spending all the money on your lessons and you post nothing concrete of sort here in the past many months other than to attack me personally for a simple, honest statement that I made. It's truly a sign that something is not quite right with you. And if Noh Ghani or any others that know has something bad to say about me, then ask him or them to tell it to me staright and not through some psycho wannabe like you.

Have you thought about counselling? It's a pity that Soft doesn't support such services for psycho types like you. But a steadfast fixation, which you are exhibiting is bad for your health and I assume those that live with you.

Get a life dude. I never asked to be your friend and never wanted to take any credit for annything related to anything that I've not worked for. Worse still is for me to want to take credit for something I have little sentiments for.

I even received apologies after the early attacks about what ... 8 months ago? It shows that some people know better. But you???? Eight months later and you still harbour such hatred. Something must be amiss. I can't tell what it is exactly, other than to know that something is totally wrong with you and your feelings on the whole topic and my best guess is that a fixation with something is bothering you. I hope it's not your teacher. And I hope it's not me. But dude, 8 months later and you're fesity and gung ho with making libellous statements - woah! You need help!

And if MrR isn't your teacher's student at one time or another then it is highly likely that he is a supporter of your teacher in one way or another. I'm not that 'blur'. I have told you guys that I will defend my comments because they were honest and sincere. And what irks me is that they were not derogatory at all. And yet you have the audacity to attack me on a personal basis for those comments.

And as I have mentioned, I will be leaving Soft. But not because of this episode but for a couple of other reasons related to Soft. For one, my race should not be ridiculed nor should it be used against me or others of my race. It has happened once too many times over here. And your freakiness just broke the camel's back.

I'm here to talk about music and perhaps a few other things but when people start making disgusting racial insults and embarking on foul character insults, without any fear of any repercussions and worse still without those in the know telling them to do otherwise, then I should realise that I should find something better to do with my time than to read those insults. And indeed I have.

But trust me, this isn't the end but a beginning between you and me. I have PMed you my number and I am hopeful that we can embark on a conversation that I am hopeful will put a shut to our issues.

Yeah, biop, I think it's high time that people take true credit for their insinuations and accusations here at Soft.

Honestly, I'd like the whole truth to be laid out. Sickening to have people try to break up friendships to support a teacher of theirs and to commit libel again and again and again.

But I've warned this guy many times before and he and his friends have done nothing but to continue to make personal attacks.

Live and learn. Sad to say but sometimes, it pays to learn. And yeah, I'm learning too. It's painful but something's got to be done.

Apologies to all Softies and James for this agenda. It pains me but I've really got to do something to stop all this nonsense. Regardless, I've PMed him and hopefully something good can come from that.

And, I'm going to 'retire' from Soft. I'll still be around cyberspace and hopefully jam/work with a couple of the people that I've met here. And I hope to attend more gigs in the weeks ahead.

But I think it's best that I go. Within a 24-hour period, my race and allegiance is questioned and my character libelled against. And the race thing keeps going on. I've never seen such blatant racial insensitivity within an online community made up of users from a mixed-race community. Weird! Hopefully, James will sort these out sooner than later.

I appreciate the friendly jibes and occasionaly harsh corners that I faced here. It's been fun and a learning experience. That's what it's all about. And it's been fun and great - truly.

So, to Goose, ShredCOW, sage, Paulo, Dhalif, James, fgl, blueshoes, kimmi, khaos, slowish, nanoshred, hub4thailand, bam, dong, andrewtheshredder, stellastory, Allura, Breakbeat theory - you guys ROCK for me! Great talents there. I wish you all well and even better.

Peace Out!

... the thread becomes unleading now....

I dont understand what you guys are arguing about ...
All the english are soo tough...

Legal action to whom?

Move on. Lock this thread.. Sorry to the threadstarter!

i saw your video. ITS GREAT!
posts which are irrelevant or are argument between 2 individuals will be deleted over the weekends.

please dont make me work any harder than i should.
hello thanks biopromax, dhalif and edo! i will try to produce a new clip next time haha :)

actually, i think technically wise i can improve a lot more and i hope i can have some comments from you guys on which areas i should tackle after watching the video haha.

Thank you so much once again for your encouragement and support :)

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