John Petrucci Cover

you should take some more time.. to sit down and re-learn the parts SLOWLY.. and always remember.. DT or John Petrucci stuff.. is accuracy above everything else.. train to be robots lol... accuracy is so so so important. cheers mate \m/
And, I'm going to 'retire' from Soft.

good freaking riddance mate. as i said before, get off your high horse for a change.

and while you're at it, you might want to work on your musical timing its atrocious. from the way you post i actually thought you might have been a decent but obnoxious musician but after listening to your music it seems i was wrong about the former.


LOL. sorry.

sorry man, just wished to see less people trying to be simon cowells in this world. sad to see a contributor go. no hard feelings, like i said, sometimes one man's meat is another's poison.

keep it up, threadstarter. More please!
posts which are irrelevant or are argument between 2 individuals will be deleted over the weekends.

please dont make me work any harder than i should.

may I suggest you not to delete but lock the thread? there are always hidden information inside every arguments especially lenghty ones. leave a legacy for the young on how NOT TO BEHAVE on forums.
eh dude nice job man! love the tone and the whole cover! post more next time on your progress man not alot of people our age like jp haha \m/
RoRK, u misunderstood people just as people misunderstood you.

your constructive comments are so well disguised in a guai lan tone. this makes you a flame magnet, irregardless of your good intentions, and i hope u realise that.

it doesn't matter what's ur racial bg or age, but to be frank, i think many would appreciate if you could change your "greater-than-thou" tone to a more humble one. your words would be more respected like that.

sorry for the ot,

back to the mt, i think i takes a lot of guts to cover a jp piece for a 1st performance... kudos to plop... very talented indeed.

RoRK's point is (a rough translation from the bombardment of words) u have the talent, so u should put it to good use and create ur own stuff instead of just doing covers of greats.
bro ur frens dont mind ah u steal the show? hehe
haha thank u very much i take that as a positive compliment :)
the rest of the bands performing next were far more popular bands in school than me haha. deluge performed their original composition and it was really really good! you can check them up here

thank u glissceule, imsuchajoker and MadWereWolfBoy for ur encouraging comments! i will work hard on my second piece for an upcoming concert in my school. maybe can get to see u guys then haha :)

and thank you dhalif yes i will work hard on accuracy. i'm very amazed by your take on erotomania and hope i can work towards that stage one day haha.

once again thanks to all and keep the comments coming! :D
haha quite funny, some people have alot of time, like me. Why don't we all relax and give plop some constructive criticism? Absolutely no need for any other topics to be discussed here, this is open mic, not speaker's corner or anything like it. (but since it has started I'll give my 2cents.haha. Nothing wrong with playing covers early on or later. Covers show you practical applications of skills like alternate picking and allow you to hone others like hammerons and pulloffs, esp in a song like glasgow kiss. If performing covers were wrong then millions around the world should be shot for their non-originality. Not to say that we shouldn't try to create originals though, but between a suckcock original which no matter how well you play sounds like crap vs a kickass cover, which would you choose to perform in front of a crowd?)

plop, you matthew right? your ex-guitorch president here. Nice attempt, you can get the main theme down better than many other guys around. work on your bends though, sometimes you overshoot them. Otherwise, kudos to you for daring to play this in front of an audience! and I'm sure with your MEP training you can create kickass originals as well. Keep at it, you can only get better!! Remember, the best is yet to be. haha.
yo bro! watched the vid and think its a good job for ur first show, way better than mine! on the subject of covers and original, dun need to go stressing over it. i did a fair share of covers and i have a fair share of originals to back me up. so watever crap u get from pple. jus take it with a pinch of salt. do wat makes u feel good. tht is more impt. eventually the time will come where the inner self will take lead and u will produce wonderful pieces. hey! life is abt learning. good luck! hope to see more of ur vids!
^thanks NoMiS! haha i hope that time will come soon :)

8fingermadness, how's life? haha. hope u can come back one day to visit us! haha good luck for ur as.

i'm currently (trying) to compose my original composition so to all you guys thanks for your encouragement and words of wisdom i can only say ur support helps me alot. really really alot haha.

it sounds... okayish ahaha.

thanks to all once again! :)
Hey plop,

Nice cover... But try not to cover too much, or else you will end up playing alot like him when you are writing original...

I regretted playing too much Mike Portnoy stuff. Gotta brainwash myself and learn more from other drummers. :D

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