J_m_S' New OD and Dirt pedal talk!


New member
Most of you guys know my main dirt pedal is my??? Deucetone Rat. Which only does well for lead. but doesnt sound very well wif chords... In other words. It must have good clarity.


I need a od or dirt pedal that rocks me totally and does well for chords!....

The shortlist:
Keeley TS808
Ts808 Reissue
Analogman 808 Vintage mod
Maxon 808
MI Audio Blues Boy Deluxe
MI Audio Blues pro od
TS7 then mod to 808 specs
TS9 then mod to 808 specs
Visualsound JNH
Blackstone OD
Skreddy Screwdriver
Mi Audio Crunchbox
Keeley DS1 Ultra

Recommend any more to me?(all attacks on some pedals listed are welcome) No personal attacks please!

Thanks in advance guys!
i'd go with the the 3 MI Audios and the Skreddy.. and i'd also recommend the Barber Direct Drive, Barber LTD (black or silver)
Btw, i think i can only choose one or 2.

Thanks imcorn. BTW when will mi audio stock arrive in g77?
dude you tried tweaking your rat abit? last i played with it chording was pretty ok.

you want overdrive or all out gain distortion? You din really mention.
both.. haha.. i was thiinking of skreddy screwdriver and blackstone. or skreddy n 808. or skreddy and jnh.

Tany, the jnh 808 side. how close is it?
i've not heard a real 808 but to me it sounds very good. some say it's even better than the 808 in a sense that there's the bass boost thing.

jnh worth it, 2nd hand, but u may not like it. it's big too. but i like the jekyll channel.
I had the Skreddy and Barber DD combo. Way too muddy. Didn't like it at all. Best to pair an OD and fuzz together.

I'm loving my Skreddy Screw Driver and Top Fuel combo :D
Malcom.. tts very tempting.. but a screwdriver and a top fuel would cost me.. 600 SGD right?

How bout jnh and Screwdriver? is it nice malcom?
dude those are expensive pedals that you've listed there. do you have a budget?

people are able to spend so much on their pedals cos they are working. I assume that you are still a student right? look for something that works for you rather than getting one which has the most recommendations. if thats the case you'd be only satisfied with something like the Klon Centaur.

anyway, from your list, I would pick the skreddy screwdriver. than again, you might need another drive pedal. oh well, this is what GAS is all about.
Depends a lot on what kind of rhythm we're talking here eh?

Keeley TS808
Ts808 Reissue
Analogman 808 Vintage mod
Maxon 808
MI Audio Blues Boy Deluxe
MI Audio Blues pro od
TS7 then mod to 808 specs
TS9 then mod to 808 specs
to here, they have simlar sounds. Great for bluesy rhythm fills or those in the style of franz ferninand

Visualsound JNH:
This one has 2 in one, so it's a mix

These 2:
Blackstone OD
Skreddy Screwdriver
Having a flatter eq, are not too great for fills which need to stand out, but excellent for more complex chording due to their string to string clarity.

And these 2:
Mi Audio Crunchbox
Keeley DS1 Ultra
Would do well for that great powerchord cruch everyone loves in rock.