Is there a need to dress to define what you listen?

lolz....basic article's of clothing on me when i go to town....jeans, tshirt, boots...coffeeshop or jamming atire...berms, slippers, tshirt...lolz...i wear specs too....juz cause i have long hair now, means i'm a rocker...i always get tt kinda remark frm ppl i juz meet...terror lah...rocker lah...wadeva...i'm me, u're u, get over it...
If wearing something is a burden for peoples eye and if the paticular clothes will generate the term "poser", so where lies the problem?
I think the people who comment abt it.......cause i paticular feel that is our money, we buy it cause we like it and love to wear wat we want to wear, as long as we don beg for it, don steal it and don over do it, it's ok with us and if ppl don like it wat they see, den look elsewhere....and why always a paticular genre dress is given the bad review....y not all those ppl who wear surfers clothing basically u only can skim in singapore will low wave, people wearing sports car clothing line when they always take the public transport and people who generally wearing an international soccer team example ENGLAND, PORTUGAL when they are actually from singapore...So why was this question not raise?
InfernoxDeath said:
My answer to this topic is definitely no. Honestly, i listen to metal but i wear specs... A metalhead doesn't wear specs anyway.. But yeah... Walk down the streets of Orchard and there, you'll see more than 10 posers... What do i mean by that? They dress wrongly... Try to be some emo crap and destroy what punk is. Come on... Get real. Are you gonna dress like that in 10 years time when you're a businessman walking along Orchard? Be who you really are.

"People who need to adapt their lives to fit a music trend are dysfunctional and underconfident."
yes!!!!!!if u age between 14 to 18
sometimes you also wanna look like your idol what. don't tell me no. so yeah, but i dun see the need to dress to define the genre u listen to.
Phil said:
You are a poseur if you worry incessantly about what to wear to attain a particular look, and see the urgent need to seek advice as to what to wear to look like a punk/metal-head. And correct it as soon as you realise that your current outfit is unfitting for whatever you aspire to look like.

Dress as you please la, c'mon.
If you are a metal-head at heart, it'll show in your dressing naturally.
You wear a Megadeth shirt, why? Because you bloody adore Friedman and gang.

I never knew a mealhead speaks singlish...Lol! Yes that's sacarsm... People don't learn to correct them, they learn to ruin everything... WHat are you, kid in tights? And check the stupid defination of poseur before you speak... You don't know me and you start calling me a poseur... What knd of logic is that? I've seen people and i know these 'poseurs'...
"Because you bloody adore Friedman and gang?" Things are not clicking.... So i'll take that as a retarded statement.

Vaiyen said:
You are very uptight.
life must be hard.

Thanks. But no... Cos there's stupid people who knows nothing about metal... Any band to them can be metal on any day... Yes i'm critical about music, so what?
wah kao. that "poseur" word so serious issue ah?
write to ST lor..i'm sure an MP will pick that topic up

jst kidding lah hor..must laff a bit
cannot worry bout "poseurs" in the community too much, wait precious time to play and love metal wasted.
InfernoxDeath, I see the passion, I see your desire to elevate metal, which in actual fact, metal is already on a high ground aye? 8)

But chill. At the end of the day, all this is just words and its just a forum. Its really just that.

Sooner or later at the rate you are going, you will burn out, in an forum sense, or give up.

And at the end of the day, for all your angst and passionate replies, nothing substantial will be achieved becauses its just words.

I hope you take this on a positive note.
GrimBrody said:
wah kao. that "poseur" word so serious issue ah?
write to ST lor..i'm sure an MP will pick that topic up

jst kidding lah hor..must laff a bit
cannot worry bout "poseurs" in the community too much, wait precious time to play and love metal wasted.

MPs should bring up this topic? Not necessary... They passed the age where kids dress like nothing but pathetic...Why would they care in the first place... Sorry, this is going to get worst over such controversy that i began... Like the reviews i recieved. There are more positives...
we all encounter metal in our everyday lives.

even the duck rice hawker uncle gave me metal. all 80 cents of change.

InfernoxDeath said:
Vaiyen said:
You are very uptight.
life must be hard.

Thanks. But no... Cos there's stupid people who knows nothing about metal... Any band to them can be metal on any day... Yes i'm critical about music, so what?
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
Mr Grim

this guy like anakin skywalker eh? the force is strong but still a young padawan.


heh. :lol:
this thread like some mystic dejavu trying to play a trick on me
like one of the reasons in that other thread about not going to anymore.

anyway, i hope he makes it big in the metal scene. \m/ -_-" \m/