Is there a need to dress to define what you listen?

Different people have different perceptions of taste. If there was a fashion police, I guess many of us who had a bad hair day or wore the wrong clothes on the wrong occassion would in jail by now.
i dress like most 'beng' looking trying to pose jay zhao chinese emo looking clothes and spike my hiar like them, and wear think framed specs.

got a problem with my dress code?
hahha, but the mat rockers and metal heads in my class were shocked tad i dig alot of dream theather and heavy metal music and i play guitar!
they thought tad in my mp3 are all chinese pop music and i am tad kind of typical mando pop emo gay guy.....
I worry whenever someone wears singlet or tank-tops or those kind of tops to a concert. I mean, imagine if it was a very very crowded concert...
That person waves his/her arms up moving around in the crowd, sweating... *PIAT!* Their armpits hit you. I always get hit in the face... whenever I think about this part.

well, we can't really do much to how one dresses.
we can't like stone them or something.
I mean, its FASHION?
people are most likely to follow it.
or maybe get influenced into.
You are a poseur if you worry incessantly about what to wear to attain a particular look, and see the urgent need to seek advice as to what to wear to look like a punk/metal-head. And correct it as soon as you realise that your current outfit is unfitting for whatever you aspire to look like.

Dress as you please la, c'mon.
If you are a metal-head at heart, it'll show in your dressing naturally.
You wear a Megadeth shirt, why? Because you bloody adore Friedman and gang.
Phil said:
You are a poseur if you worry incessantly about what to wear to attain a particular look, and see the urgent need to seek advice as to what to wear to look like a punk/metal-head. And correct it as soon as you realise that your current outfit is unfitting for whatever you aspire to look like.
best definition
candie said:
No laa, it's not an attack :p I'm just wondering what people would think of a band that doesn't bother dressing up. Think t-shirt and jeans for a metal band, that kinda thing. What would you think of a band like that? Just asking for some opinion :p

actually i sorta remember people saying that the legacy of thrash was how most of the bands dressed like regular people and were less image conscious.

i als o remeber that during the death metal era many of the bands took the stage wearing sports sneakers and track pants because it's more comfortable when they're doing all their marathon blastbeats and goring and grunting.

so oh well..
"you don't have to dress punk to be punk"

"less talk, more rock"

2 lifelong lessons i learnt at a subC gig years ago. poseurs always have been, always will be, and exist in inside all of us.

if you wanna be different, go swallow a sword or something..
candie said:
Let's say this band performs metal but they dress like completely normal dudes on stage. What's your view?

I would be impressed! Even though I'd be lying to proclaim that visuals are obsolete on stage.

Think of it this way, those dudes dress sensibly, comfortably and see no need to express themselves with their dressing.

they play metal, and will utilise the god-given gift of playing music/metal to express themselves as a group, and as individuals.
gutturalpiss said:
Phil said:
You are a poseur if you worry incessantly about what to wear to attain a particular look, and see the urgent need to seek advice as to what to wear to look like a punk/metal-head. And correct it as soon as you realise that your current outfit is unfitting for whatever you aspire to look like.
best definition

Well said! dress from your heart not dress to look cool does that mean if u listen to Kiss, you have to wear makeup, spill blood from ur mouth and wear platform shoes when u go down to orchard road? and wat if u listen to Lordi? Does that mean u have to wear those monster costumes? :lol: Like wat rx7 says, dress from ur heart not dress to look cool
i know if a band plays on stage wearing clothes of the norm, or even shorts and slippers... they'd definitely get my attention if the music's good. seriously, dressing up is just another form of expression and if it's to go along with the music, it becomes complementary. and i've heard that phrase years back too... LESS TALK MORE ROCK!
i like rock n a bit of metal....iron maiden actually...but i wear specs(metal rim one, not plastic rim), have a geeky hair, n dun wear black. No one knows i play guitar also...haha...BUT, i'd fancy dressing up like Iron Maiden some day( tho everyone would laugh.. :oops:
dun reli have to wear wateva to tell ppl wat kind of music u doesnt matter at all to me...
i'm more comfortable with my same old levi's jeans,a t shirt (either one of my 4 blacks ts and tis old skool grey rhcp tshirt) and slippers/boots. i almost look the same all the time. be it at work, outing, drinking, jamming, performing or wateva.

ppl say i look boring n not up to fashion...
newbies say i'm not a hardcore music lover or wateva like tt as i dun dress up to my genre. WTF! lame kiddos. i wun care oso. why the hell should i?
it'll be stupid if i do coz i like all kind of genres.

juz wear wat u are comfortable wif. dun nid to tell the world wat style or genre or wateva u r by the dressings. coz end up, kena call posers. which is true

sori if i flame any1
yes i do wash em...
no worries man...
i'm clean
when tt jeans is in the washing machine... i have an extra pair to cover the duty
lol lets make it simple, if you hate ppl who dress up(so called posers to you), then the next time you see anyone of this 'posers' on the streets, just go up to them and tell them you dont like it la, and then you can go on to preach how metal is in the heart and all blahblah. Why keep the hate inside you? let it all out man, no good you know, keep too much hate in yourself, can get high blood pressure you know, can die 1 leh, doctor say 1