Metal : A Headbanger's Journey (Thoughts about metal music)

I agree. I thought Metal:headbangers journey did a good job of giving an overview of metal in general but it didnt really draw the viewer in because it seemed like it was always in a rush to go on to the next phase of metal. it would have been better off just being a documentary on one of the sub-genres, like the origins of metal, which i thought they covered very well. the later parts on death metal and black metal were kinda brief, and it's hard to give an account of a style of music that hasn't quite disappeared yet.

american hardcore was a lot better. has a better ending too, not some master of pepek song haha.

check out on Torrents or any download website...Sam Dunn went to Norway again to cover Norwegian Black Metal in another 30 minutes exclusive of it.

The show is called Metal:A Norwegian Black Metal Documentary.
I have been to HELLsinki - Finland recently and my ...the metal scene is awesome. Lots of metal rock bars and there are headbangers everywhere. There is even a tv show called Headbangers' Ball every week where they interviewed the local rockers and checking out the European metal scene. And in July/August this year, there was even a metal festival there.