Intro: l0stwhispers

Oh THAT Starburst! Haha. xD Yea, I don't eat candy much... too expensive. Lol. And even if I do get candy, it's usually chocolate. Mmmm.... hehehe.
oh no tell me you're kidding. it's dirt cheap in aussieland compared to singapore.

eat more candy! it's healthy! don't listen to trash talk like "sugar content's high" or "they'll spoil your teeth", yada yada. vegetables are from the devil.
I might want to go RMIT, if I don't get into COFA, haha.
Awesome music! I'll be back in Singapore in December too. :mrgreen:
jeepers: Yessir! I'll keep that in mind. Haha.

Plastic: Ahh sweet. Where're you studying now then? What's COFA? And is there an RMIT in Sydney? o_O I wouldn't mind meeting up with some members on here. I know I've only been posting for awhile, but yea, some people seem nice. Haha.
Nah, RMIT in Melbourne. COFA is the Colleage of Fine Arts, a branch of UNSW. I'm still doing my basic design, but gotta do army next year, so probably returning to Australia after 2 years. Melbourne or Sydney, not sure yet.

I sure wouldn't mind, I might be heading over to Melbourne in December before going back home, or give me a heads up if you come to sydney. :D
Oh sweetas! Haha! I'm trying to convince Morgan (hydrofly) to do Architecture at RMIT too. Haha. But yea, he has to do NS for 2 years first too. D'oh... bloody NS.

Yay! Cool! Just PM me or something when you're back in Singapore and yea, might arrange something. Haha. :D Yay I've got friends........... -shifty eyes-
Haha, architecture at UNSW is more well-known. :D
Yeah, NS, what to do. Sure I'll let you know when I'm back :D
Nah don't really want UNSW, it's a little too structured. I was looking for something like lasalle, but since it's not a recognized course, the next best thing was RMIT, I wanted to go to the university of melbourne at first, but they've got this stupid program thing which means architecture is a graduate degree.
Yea what hydrofly said. Damn! Haha. I think there might be a metal gig on 12 Dec. Hold on, lemme check... oh damn, no, 20 Dec. Sorry mate! Ah well. Heard of Ne Obliviscaris? Yes, they're a mouthful, but they're pretty good. A tad boring to watch imo, but good music. =)

Helloo int3ntion! <3 :)