man, i think iam rather inspired to sanrio-ED the state of mind on being cool and trendy but not on the body in the process of constipation. But am rather afraid the whole thread might be deleted.
Anyway, since this thread all about edder, lets continue with the question
1) What is the thing that is on your mind most of the time but you will least likely to do it?
Just so you know, if I say it I'll have to kill you. And the rest of the readers here. And you, you, you and you. And this thread will be deleted. Details in pm.
3) Do you think this question is wrongly numbered?
Yes. Bro are you insulting me again bro? I'm not mentally challenged bro. This is my last warning to you bro.
Do that again and we'll have to duel Paganini's 24 Caprices on Ebenezzer acrylic guitar. Loser will be smashed on the head with the acrylic guitar. This is not a random choice of guitar. The transparent body will show the best effect of your cracked skull and spluttered brains.
Also you'd have to get corporate sponsors for the event. At least Fortune 100 companies or bust. Don't forget to break some legs while you're at it.
2) Actually if you can, will you put 3 before 2, as to make up to 3 being always coming after 2 ever since numbering came about
I'm losing patience with you. Please read (3). If you don't understand, details in pm.
4) If eating is a process of keeping us alive, will you give up music to have enough to eat and spend for your next 3 generation?
Just so you know. Who gives a flying camel toe about music. Beer and food keeps the body alive not music. If you can't understand this as well, go break a leg or two and details in pm.
5) Amy or Awie?
Definitely Awie. Awie is BUFF-ED. Awie is the epitome of body building rock. Awie surpasses Manowar. Amy? He shouldn't have shaved his head. A pity.