Intro: automated time machine

i prefer espionage too.the intro with the palm muting and the drum sticks (if im not wrong) sounds really cool.
Haha thanks for responding guys. Well I just wanted to find out which track you all prefer haha.

Both are very different songs though...conceptually speaking.
thats true and that why we call it preference.haha.
btw isit just me or is myspace screwed up? cant play the songs :(
uno - There will be no more rough mix from ATM on myspace...only two "teaser" tracks i right Ized :???:

dos - There are obvious drifts as some are intentional some are not and these will be corrected. What you have on now is just bare bones.

tres - Yes, we are goin for the "live" feel rather than the software tweaked polished where everything is so perfect that everyone knows that it's FAKE.

Bear with us ...

There will be progress usual. :cool:
wck: Myspace screws up the quality of the tracks I can attest to that. Lags are well, common. Maybe Facebook will be better? Wait for Plastic to update on this :mrgreen:

Goose: Totally agree, really constructive and useful points made there.
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tres - Yes, we are goin for the "live" feel rather than the software tweaked polished where everything is so perfect that everyone knows that it's FAKE.

uh i think it's cool if you want to go for a live sound but there's nothing "wrong" with very heavily-produced stuff. look at queen, smashing pumpkins, sigur ros for example, to name just a few. production is an art, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's a negative thing :)
i liked the 2nd track much more too, in a sense the theme is more fixed?
a few things to say about it!

i felt more could have been explored with that basic bass line, like more variations could have been played to make it sound even more alternative. it is good that that same chord progression was used again to keep it simple, but a LIL too safe for me!

alternate picking never sounded so aggressive in a mix before, love it!

also loved the rhythm guitarist's tone and style, great stuff!
i liked the 2nd track much more too, in a sense the theme is more fixed?
a few things to say about it!

i felt more could have been explored with that basic bass line, like more variations could have been played to make it sound even more alternative. it is good that that same chord progression was used again to keep it simple, but a LIL too safe for me!

alternate picking never sounded so aggressive in a mix before, love it!

also loved the rhythm guitarist's tone and style, great stuff!

Thanks man! anyway i will take note of what you said about the bassline part! as im the bassist. aha!

The second track hits you much faster compared to the first one....its more in your face. I don't think the chord progression is really 'safe' like what you said - it meanders into quite a few variations within 2 minutes of the song, but the hook is more immediately apparent & consistent - if you wanted something 'unsafe' in that regard then well I guess the first song is more for you. I guess we cant please everyone yeah?

Also, if you had taken notice you'd realise that the titles of our tracks really do reflect on the general theme, mood and melody of the go figure ;)

I'm glad that you liked the rhythm guitars in the song....The 7th heaven really sounds killer here....I double-tracked the rhythm parts to give it a fuller sound, somewhat akin to a wall of heavy rhythm guitars. Dint expect everything to blend in that well considering minimal mixing was done. Even Goose himself was jealous 8)
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Hey guys,

Good work on the tracks.
Dont hate me ya. Just wanna give me constructive opinion.
The drums are a little off at certain areas on espionage. It didnt blend with the band on some parts but i can appreciate the mood changes and swings.

Sometimes it's really better to use a click track. When cutting a demo, Timing is the essence even though we all know it can be a lifeless bore to follow the clicks but it will benefit the band and the listeners in the long run when the track is done. That's unless the drummer is a real robotic tempo keeper then i guess it's all good. It affects the delay trail a little here and there.

The calm before a storm:
Nice song. Great Vibe.
A little too much shuffle picking for me but it's still a good song.

Keep up the good work guys
Hi junkiemanxl, thanks for dropping by with your comments. Thanks for taking the time to listen and giving your honest opinions.

With regards to Espionage - the drums are technically not off- they are intended that way polyrhthmically. I guess you've probably been reading the earlier comments and it was my bad that I failed to mention this from the start. We intended this because we wanted an irrational rhythm - something a click track would not be able to give and even if it did, it would not had been able to nail the intended vibe although I can appreciate the use of click tracks for recording which we did use for some of the guitar parts.

I'm glad you enjoyed the tracks... do look out for more!
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yes you are right, can never please everyone! but i suppose the 2nd hit will please a lot more, compared to the first one. very well done in that it really can cover both, being a nice listening song and an alternative song.

WHAT IS DOUBLE TRACKED? ized you gotta tell me! 2 sevenths?? its super genius!
haven't given it a proper listen but there seemed to be technical mess-ups at the start.
also, i really think you guys should do a proper mix before getting us to listen to it. a bad mix could drastically pull down the enjoyment of a song. much like how a good mix could make a song really shine (or make it sound as good as it can anyway). not saying the mixes are unlistenable, but they could certainly be better.

hey doodles thanks for listening to the song yeah i know there were a few screw ups but we'd like everyone's opinion before we do the final mix.. whatever u guys say will, at the end of the day, for better or worse, matter to us. so like try commenting more on the general aspect of the song cos it'll help us more.. Thanks!
